Part 10: Lover's duet

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(Here's my new chapter :D hope y'all like it)

Both Boys turn towards the voice of Zotz, and stare at awe. As Zotz is seen in a long suit/corset with a hood that has multiple shades of green with feathers coming out from the hood. "U-um Judging by your reactions, it looks bad, doesn't it?" Zotz says. In response, both boys snapped out of their daydreaming and proceeded to explain immediately. "NO, it's amazing. You look breathtaking." Ryan reassured as Johnny followed, "Yeah mate, you look amazing." In which, Zotz proceeds to be completely flustered. "Thanks guys" Zotz says with a genuine smile. "What about your costumes?", "Mr. Moon said. it should be done in a few days." Then suddenly a ding sound came out of Johnny's pockets signifying that he got a text. Johnny took his phone out and checked his messages. "Hey, Johnny can you and Zotz go near the stages for some line and song rehearsals with Rosita, Meena, and Darius?" a message sent from Ms. Crawly, in which Johnny informs Ryan, and Zotz. "Hey Zotz, the crew wants to do some rehearsals, let's go!" In which, Zotz runs towards the changing room, to change out of his costume. Leaving both Ryan, and Johnny alone again, "Well, seems like you guys are busy. Ima go and leave you to it." As Ryan was about to leave Johnny stops him. "Wait, um you want to see us sing and rehearse? I don't think everyone else would mind.", "Wait really? hmm ok then. I got nothing else to do anyways." Zotz then leaves the changing room with his normal casual clothes on. "Ok guys, I'm ready" Zotz says with a bit of rush. "Good, now let's go, we don't want them to keep waiting." Johnny reminded. The three of them, then leave the wardrobe department and started making their way towards rehearsals. 

(A small time skip later.)

They arrive to rehearsal, as johnny goes to sit down while Zotz and Ryan stand on the background along with Rosita. "Oh! hey Zotz, we're about to get started over here. um who's the new friend?" Rosita referring to Ryan. "He's my new friend, Ryan, who I met during my hangout with Johnny." Zotz introduces, "Hello Ms. Rosita, it's a pleasure meeting you." Ryan says with such politeness. "I feel the same, but please call me Rosita.", "Oh ok" Zotz then begins teasing Ryan about his mannerisms. "Ms. Rosita? I didn't think you were so chivalrous." Zotz laughed a bit, with Ryan joining in "Yeah sorry, in Redshore first impressions are a big thing here", "I can tell." The two a bit flustered then walks towards Johnny, and then sats beside him. "You doing good over here?" Ryan asks. "Hm? yeah, I'm good, this song looks pretty easy, but I'm still worried about my choreography." Johnny responds. "Don't worry, it will get way better once you get used to it, I know I did." Ryan reassures. "You had trouble on dancing Ryan? But you're so good at it." Johnny says surprised. "Yeah, but when I started dancing in Klaus's class, I was probably one of the worst dancers there. But after, some trial and error, and the real need to prove Klaus wrong. It made me an even better dancer." Both Zotz and Johnny listened intently and were also a tad shocked. "Welp, hopefully me and Johnny could do the same."  Zotz says with of hope. Johnny then smiles as he feels less stress than earlier. "Thanks mate, I needed that.", "no problem". They were then interrupted by the sound of the voice of Moon, with both Gunter and Ash beside him. "Hello Everyone! Hopefully everyone's practicing is doing well, but let's waste no time, and start rehearsing. Both Johnny and Zotz looked slightly nervous, mostly due with the fact that Johnny is having a hard time with the choreography, and Zotz still having troubles on flying in front of people. Which also cause his wings to even more closed. "But anyways let's start our rehearsals with Meena and Darius singing." Meena then looks a bit worried and awkwardly but reluctantly went into position. While Darius, looks confident (maybe too much) and goes into position standing on one of the crystal stages. The music then plays in the background as they start singing together. 

(The music, I Don't Want to Miss a Thing, plays)

"Don't wanna close my eyes."

Then Darius starts soloing all of the sudden

(Sing 2) Emerald WingsWhere stories live. Discover now