Part 13: A Scattered Dream That's like a Far-off Memory.

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 (Hey ya'll I know it's been a while, but i finally got the motivation to do this next chapter, Enjoy) 

                 "HEY WAIT UP!" says what seems to be a teenage dark male bat with green markings and dirty blond hair, running up towards their brown-grayed furred younger sibling, "You can't just run off like that! I'm responsible to whatever happens to you." Says the older sibling. "Well, it's not my fault you take too long to get ready." says the younger sibling, as they teased the older sibling. "Come on Evan, this is our 1st day in our new school, in this brand-new country. This is not like Scotland, or the Philippines!" the older sibling warned as the younger sibling shrugged it off. As they walk up towards the new school, "But the real question is, how are you going to fare?" Evan asked. In which made the older sibling tense. "I think it would be fine, I was able to at least make some friends in Scotland and the islands. I think this is manageable." Says the older sibling as they walk, looking at the ground.

After 30 minutes, the two brothers split up towards their own classroom as the bell had rung throughout the school. The dark bat had arrived at the front of the classroom, as he sighed and opened the door. When he went inside, he saw many different animals, in their own seats, their own cliques and groups. The students didn't even seem to notice the bat, as he walks towards a lone desk towards the back of the class.  

While waiting for the teacher, the dark bat had put on his own earphones, as he looks through his phone for a playlist. As he finds his playlist, the teacher, who seems to be an old female owl came into the room with glasses and a gray and orange dress. "Welcome everyone! Today we're just going to continue the work and packet from yesterday. But before we do, we have a new student!" The teacher exclaims as she directs the attention to the dark bat. The dark bat feels dozens of pairs of eyes staring towards him, The bat sweats as he stands up and walks towards the front of the class to introduce himself. "U-umm, hi? I'm Zotz, I J-just moved here from the Philippines, due to some issues with my last school, But I'm e-excited to learn the culture h-here." Zotz finished speaking with a slight Scottish accent, as he walked back to his desk. He started seeing multiple disembodied eyes, staring directly at him as he sits down and puts his earphones back towards his ears. "They're not real, you're just hallucinating again. . ." Zotz thought to himself, as the room started getting darker and darker, yet the eyes still remained and were still staring at him. With each second, more and more were appearing. And with each one, his heartbeat started beating faster and faster, as well as their breathing. To the point, where the entire room was black, the teacher and students were nowhere to be seen and the room were covered with eyes on the floor, wall, and ceiling. Zotz started hyperventilating as he sits on the ground with his arms covering his eyes.

Zotz woke up, still breathing heavily, but starts to calm down due to an unknown warmth surrounding his body. His breathing starts to regulate, as he's now conscious to the warmth surrounding him. Zotz's face starts heat up as he realizes the two familiar bodies, cuddled up against him. He just sat there contemplating, "WHY" and "I'm not complain, this is nice?" 

Zotz then carefully grabs his phone and checks the time, 6:27 A.M was shown in the dimly lit screen. "Just 1 more hour" he thought as he visibly groaned, knowing rehearsals started at 8:30 A.M and wanted to get ready an hour before hand. He then looks at Johnny and Ryan who were still cuddling him, Zotz had set aside his phone and hesitantly cuddled back as he drifted half asleep, he was asleep but could tell what was happening around him as he rested. The warmth had shifted multiple times but were still present. As Zotz thinks to himself, "Is it weird that I want to stay like this? forever?"

After a while, Zotz hears the sound of the steps of 2 different animals coming up to their room, one was had light steps, the other had obvious and heavy steps. As he then hears the doorknob turn, with the door opening with it. Followed by the sounds of familiar giggles, as the two "mysterious" but obvious animals close the door and walk away from the room. "I truly wonder who that could've been" Zotz whispered sarcastically, knowing it was probably Meena and Ash. Then he pauses for a moment, "Wait, was I just sarcastic?" Zotz thought to himself, knowing it had been a pretty long while since he was sarcastic. With it being all the way back in the freshman year of his old high school.

The second one to wake up, Ryan, had woken up a few minutes after Ash and Meena, had left the room. Like Zotz, he felt a familiar warmth, that he had just noticed the two dark furred bodies he had grabbed unknowingly while asleep. And now, his face blushed with pink and red, as he then slowly dies of embarrassment, and stays statue still, and tries not to move an inch. "Welp, here's where I die, but this isn't the worse way to die." Ryan confessed, still holding on and cuddling the two bodies, while Zotz's arm was rested on both Ryan's and Johnny's shoulder. 

Somehow still asleep, Johnny, seems to be going closer towards Ryan's and Zotz's grip, making the other two flinch out of surprise, as they try to go back to sleep as best, they can. Until they all awoke from the alarm of Zotz's phone ringing, as it pierced through the silence and woke the three, but mostly Johnny due to fact, that Ryan and Zotz were already kind of awake. After waking up a tad more, the three stared at each other, realizing that they are still huddled and against each other, with their arms intertwined. 

The three immediately separated from one another other as they looked away from each other awkwardly. They then quickly get ready for rehearsals and practice for today, Ryan went towards the room's bathroom, to freshen up. Johnny goes towards the kitchen for breakfast, and Zotz goes to the closet, to change out of his old clothes, and puts on his signature, teal, long sleeved button up shirt with the sleeves being pulled up and buttons separated. Showing the white T-shirt under it. while also wearing dark ripped jeans, with green and white sneakers. As he patiently waits for Ryan to be done in the bathroom, so he could also freshen up for the day. 

After a bit, the three had gotten fully ready, as Ryan carried his duffle bag, carrying his dance practice clothes with him. "Ok, we ready to go?" Ryan asked, as Zotz nodded. While Johnny began to speak. "Actually, I'm going to practice the choreography for a tad while. You guys can go without me. I'll be there in a bit." Johnny said, which Ryan and Zotz, look at him worriedly. "You sure? Practice is going to begin in an hour and a half from now." Ryan asked. "Yeah! don't worry about me, I just to nail the last part." Johnny reassured. With Zotz still a tad worried, looks at him for a moment and says, "Well okay, but don't tire yourself, and strain yourself before rehearsals. Okay?" Zotz, asked with Johnny giving them a smile. Which calms both the tiger and bat's nerves a bit as they leave the penthouse. "Okay Johnny, you just need to figure out the last part of the choreography, in an hour or less. No pressure," Johnny tells himself, nervously. As he grabs a practice staff for the choreography and goes to work immediately.

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