Side story: Meeting Rosita's kids

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(SOO I may have forgot about the scene, where Rosita's husband and kids visit the theater crew lol so this is it. Just imagine this is before the dinner in Part 8.)

The crew seems to be relaxing in the living room as Ms. Crawly tries to find clues on Clay Calloway, as Ash, Moon, and Gunter are continuing writing the script, while Rosita, Meena, Johnny, and Zotz are watching the news on the ginormous wide screen T.V.

"And then I'm thinking Ash, you know, she can, like totally have duet with Clay Calloway,' cause, like, she's a star that is guiding them all the way back home again." Gunter explains excitedly to Moon. Moon then laughs, "Yes, Gunter. That's perfect for Ash." Moon says amazed at the idea. Meanwhile, Zotz and Johnny are talking about how they could help Zotz fly, without closing up. "Hmm, maybe we could blind fold you?", "No Johnny, I can't fly if I can't see.", "oh your right". 

Then the doorbell rings, and there was a short silence for a bit followed by the tiny yells of children, as little piglings go through the door, and rushes everywhere as what seems to be their father right behind them. "Oh! my darlings, you're here." Rosita says with a motherly maternal smile on her face, as the piglings rush over to her. They then go towards the rest of the theatre crew, with some going towards Meena, Johnny, Moon, Gunter, and Ash, as Zotz tries to sneak away from the overwhelming attention, in which he almost succeeds. "Wait, y'all I want you to meet our knew theatre group member, Zotz, " Rosita says happily as she motions her children towards Zotz. In which, they all begin to stare at him, Zotz then begins to feel nervous ". . .heh hi?", The kids' faces then light up as they run towards him. With Zotz then turning into a statue as they get to him, as they all ask questions. "How do you know our mom?", "Are you a Bat?", "Do you drink blood?", "Can you make me a Vampire?", "You look soooo cool", "what is your favorite color? mine is purple" "Can I touch your wings?", "Can you fly me up", And before any more questions, Rosita intervened. "Ok kids, give him space, he can't handle so many people and questions at once." "Okay, mama" The kids then go towards their parents. 

Zotz then breathes out heavily as he tries to calm down again. "I'm guessing you don't like kids then huh?" Johnny jokes as he plays with some of the kids, "huh? Nah I love kids; I just feel like I might harm them, you know? They just feel so fragile. I even have a little sibling back at my hometown, living with my parents." Zotz explains. "Wait really?" Johnny said surprised, "What's their name?", "His name is Evan, He loves playing video games, and listening to music, he even plays the drums." 

Meanwhile with everyone else, as Ms. Crawly then finds the something on Clay Calloway, as Moon is being surrounded by the children as he's trying to work "uhhh help!?" "Mr. Moon! I found him!" "Clay Calloway?", "Yeah, I found his home address." Ash then rushes over to look at the paper. "No way!", "Yes, Way, Ms. Crawly, I'm going to need you to go visit him first thing tomorrow." Moon says as he walks and think. "Yes, sir.", "You'll need to rent a car and take him a letter. And maybe the fruit basket, you got that?", "Got it".

(Welp this all I could think of lol, I tired now sooo ya, byeeeee)

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