Part 9: Discovered talent and Production troubles

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(Hey Ya'll, :) AND HAPPY NEW YEAR AND HAPPY LATE CHRISTMAS. But anyways here's the new chapter :D)

"Huh, I guess I'm early today." Ryan says standing in the empty dance room. He then sets his stuff down and starts warming up for practice, "Hmm maybe I can turn on some music while stretch." in which Ryan grabs his phone and starts looking through his playlist. 

Meanwhile, some of the Theatre crew just entered the production building, which is Johnny, Moon, and Ash, while the others went to grab breakfast. "Ok you two, I'm going to see and overview the production, so make sure you both practice on your roles." Moon said, "Welp, seems like I'm going to dance practice" Johnny says unenthusiastically as he walks towards the practice room, while he could Ash shout as he walks away "HEY DON'T WORRY TO MUCH YOU'LL BE GREAT". Johnny then hears a familiar voice as he approaches the room along with music playing, as he's surprised on what he saw next, weeell more like what he heard next.

"Ask me why my heart's inside my throat"

"I've never been in love, I've been alone"

"Feel like I've been living life asleep"

"love so strong it makes me feel so weak"

"Are you lonely?"

"Our fingers dancing where they meet"

At that moment, Johnny was completely entranced, listening to every word that came out of Ryan's mouth just like when Zotz sang on the bus. He was surprised, Ryan wasn't a bad singer, sure he made a few hiccups in some of the lyrics, but his voice was like water as well filled with energy in contrast to Johnny's voice which is more powerful.

"You seem so lonely"

"You're the ground my feet won't reach"

"So if you're lonely, darling you're glowing"

"if you're lonely come be lonely with me"

The song then ends as Johnny comes out from hiding and goes through the glass door, As the door opens, Ryan jumps surprised and quickly calms himself seeing Johnny. ". . . . . Ummmmm h-how much did you hear?" Ryan says nervously. "Enough, but mate, you're an amazing singer" Johnny said truthfully, "Nah, I don't think so, I sound terrible, I'm better at dancing anyways." Ryan argues, then surprisingly Johnny gets a bit angry and baffled on how Ryan could be seeing his amazing talent and potential "Believe me you're way better than you think you are, heck you even better than when I started singing for a few years." Ryan was shocked and a tad flustered on how passionate Johnny was about Ryan's singing. but before he could say anything, the door flew open again, showing the rest of the dance crew came in and was surprised seeing Ryan and the new guy, mostly Ryan because he's usually almost late to practice. Then while everyone else gets ready and starts stretching, a hyena and lion comes up to Ryan and Johnny. "Hey Ryan, getting familiar with the new guy? Mack asks. "Oh, hey guys, um I guess so, but yeah, guys this is Johnny" Ryan introduces as Johnny goes to shake the guy's hand, "Well hello Johnny, I'm Mack. And the Hyena right beside me is Aster", Aster then shakes Johnny's hand "Hello man hopefully we get along,", "likewise" Johnny responded. "Hey just warning you, Klaus, our teacher, may be a bit strict but he's a good at his job." Aster warned as both him and Mack walked away from the two. Johnny then turns toward Ryan, "Is he really that strict?" Johnny says a bit nervously. Ryan then tries to reassure Johnny, "Don't worry, at first he's strict but after a bit he will take more notice to your dance and would try to help you.", "I hope so" 

Meanwhile with the rest of the crew, they recently finished breakfast and started going towards the studio. In which Zotz goes to Meena, "Hey Meena? could I ask you something?", "Huh? oh yeah sure, what is it?", "So what I've heard from Johnny and Ash, you used to have stage fright on singing right? If so, how did you overcome it?", Meena then paused a moment to think, then answers. "Well from what I remembered, I was the last performance, and I NEEDED to sing, so Mr. Moon and everyone else encouraged me to face my fears, and at that moment, I went up to sing, and suddenly I let the song carry me and I wasn't afraid anymore. I knew if I let my fear control me on how other people think of me, I would be held back by that fear for the rest of my life." Meena explained "Well at least that how it was for me, why do you ask?", "Well, I'm afraid of flying Infront of people, because of how my wings look, and Moon told me I had to fly for my performance. That's why I came to you for advice." Meena was then surprised on how similar Zotz was to her past self when it came to performing. "Don't worry, you can do it. If I was able to get out of my fear of performing, you can too." Meena reassures. Which made Zotz more confident but felt like something was missing." 

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