Part 7: A starry night

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No one's Pov:

At the studio, Zotz is shown going up to Mr. Moon with some curiosity, and a hint excitement. "Mr. Moon? I have a question, if you don't mind." Zotz says when then Mr. Moon notices and responds "Oh! of course Zotz. What's your question", "Ok, umm so what's my role in the musical?" Zotz asked the small Koala, "Glad you asked! You're going to be a bright green meteor in the sky while singing" Moon answered in delight. "Woah" Zotz said in amazement. "There is going to be a lot of bungee jumping in this musical huh?" Zotz said, "Oh actually you're going to be flying with your wings" Moon said with confidence. "Wait WHAT!" Zotz said shocked which also shocks Buster "uh yeah you are, is there a problem you need to inform me about?" Buster asks Zotz while then Zotz just shrugs it off, "o-oh t-there's nothing, anyways I'm gonna go hang out with Johnny tonight, so see ya" Zotz says in a rush. "Ok, be sure to be safe out there." Moon shouts trying to tell Zotz.

As Zotz heads out, he sees Johnny on his phone waiting for him, Zotz then runs towards him while catching his breath. "Woah, you okay there Zotz?" Johnny says concerned, "Don't worry I'm fine but anyways. Where do you want to go?" Zotz asked, which makes both of them think for a moment until they heard a familiar voice. "Shit!" they look to see Ryan trying to run after a bus, but the bus was already gone. Zotz and Johnny look at each other for a moment, then they walk towards Ryan. "Hey Ryan, you good over here?" Johnny asked which startles Ryan "Oh it's only you two, you scared me." Ryan says as he laughs but then stops. "Um my bus just left and the next one is in 2 hours". "Oh, I guess you have time then" Zotz says, "Uh yeah I do, I guess" Ryan responds, "Well since your free for a bit, you wanna hang out with me and Zotz?" Johnny asks which surprises Ryan. "Wait, you want to hang out with me?" Ryan says dumbfounded, "yeah, why not? you're my dance partner, it would be good to try to get to know each other, if you want to that is." Johnny says nervously, "And besides, I was already planning this with Zotz to hang out.", Ryan thought for a few seconds but then said, "hmm you know what? sure let's go.", "sooo where do you guys want to go?" Ryan asks. which causes both Zotz and Johnny thinking for a minute. "Hmm wait I know! Follow me." Zotz says which makes Ryan and Johnny both confused, and curious.

After a while, they come across a park which has some lamp posts around, as well as some trees. "Um Zotz, why do you want to hang out in the park?" Johnny asks which Zotz shushes afterwards. "You'll see," Zotz says, and after a while of walking, they eventually come across a magnificent sight. A reflective lake that reflects the starry sky as shining moonlight bathes throughout the surrounding fields. "Wow, how did you find out about this place?" Johnny says in amazement, "Yeah, it's beautiful, and I've lived in Redshore for a few years now. How did I not know this place existed?" Ryan said with the biggest smile on his face while laughing. Which made both Johnny and Zotz both blush on how contagious Ryan smile is. "Well, I have been wanting to perform in Redshore in the longest time. And so, I searched up "beautiful places to go in Redshore" and this was one of the places" Zotz explained while both Ryan and Johnny quietly listened to Zotz. As they all sit down on the soft grass while they talk, "Zotz? if you don't mind me asking, what role did you get for the musical?"

Ryan asks which causes Zotz to sweat a bit. "Oh um" Zotz said which causes Ryan to worry if he said something wrong. "I got an amazing role as the shooting star but. . ." Zotz then goes quiet, then they suddenly speak again. " Can you two keep a secret?" He says as both Johnny and Ryan nods as they silently listen, "So, Mr. Moon told me that I have to fly in my act, and I'm not really enthusiastic about flying naturally" Zotz says. "Oh, are you not a good flyer? I have some friends here to help you practice." Ryan offers, "Yeah, we could ask Mr. Moon to hire some trainers." Johnny suggests, but Zotz interrupts both of them. "N-no, that's not the problem, I'm actually a pretty good flyer." Zotz says which makes both of the other two confused. "Wait, if flying is not the problem, then what is?" Johnny asks, Zotz goes silent again. "I-i just don't like how my wings look, they look weird." Zotz replies, when suddenly, he feels arms surrounding his upper body, both Johnny and Ryan pull Zotz towards them. "I don't think it looks bad." says Johnny which causes Zotz to smile a tiny bit, "You haven't even seen what it looks like" Zotz laughs a bit, referring to his closed wings. "Hey, don't worry about those thoughts, because I believe those thoughts are just lies, and besides I would love to see you fly through the skies." Ryan says, as Zotz feels the most joy that he'd never ever felt before. "Thanks, you guys are amazing" Zotz says they start crying a bit.

After a while of talking, the three of them start walking back towards the hotel. "Hey Ryan, what's Klaus's class is usually like?" Johnny asks Ryan, "Oh, he's pretty strict at first, but once you get used to his class and keep practicing, it gets easier and he's more chill." Ryan replies, which makes Johnny both a bit worried but also a bit better. They then arrive to see Ryan's next bus on time, "Oh, it seems it's time for you to go. I'll see you tomorrow, Ryan." Zotz says. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow mate" Johnny says, "Thank you very much for having me accompany you and inviting me, I'll see y'all tomorrow." Ryan says gratefully as he gets on the bus, and leaves towards the direction of his apartment. And then both Johnny and Zotz walk towards the crystal and bright lights of the hotel as they head towards their little penthouse to sleep for the night. 

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