Part 2: The comforting ride

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No one's Pov:

Last night the whole crew rehearsed the entire musical which they then decided to go to take a rest and relax for a bit. Everyone went to sleep at the back except for a certain few.

Rosita stands up from her seat and goes up to Johnny, "Hey johnny can we swap seats? if that's alright with you." "Oh, of course but could I ask why? "Johnny asked curiously. "Well, it's because I don't want my back to hurt tomorrow, and you're younger Johnny, so hopefully that's alright with you?" Rosita replies. "It's alright with me give a second" Johnny says in a tired but understanding tone. Johnny then walks over to Rosita's seat, "Are you sure about this Ash?" Rosita questions Ash "Yes, besides I can't shake off this feeling, but wouldn't they be sooo cute together? Ash replied. "I mean they would be soooo cute, but if they don't feel any chemistry together, we should stop, ok?" Rosita instructed, "yeah, your right we should tone it down if this doesn't work."

Johnny gets to Rosita's seat and realizes that he has to sit beside Zotz. ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." Johnny then sits down silently beside Zotz and screams internally, then Johnny's ears and face suddenly turned a soft light pink, but the darkness concealed his blush from everyone else. After a few moments he falls asleep to the silence.


Johnny's Pov:

(Yawn) "man that was good nap" as johnny says that he feels something warm up against his shoulder, and so he glances over to see Zotz's head on his shoulder, sleeping comfortably and sound asleep. "WHYYYYY AHHHHHHH!?!" Johnny internally screams for the 100th time. " CALM DOWN JOHNNY, just pretend you're asleep." but before he could act, Zotz wakes up with a long yawn.

(yawn) "Morning already?" Zotz says in a tired tone, which shocks Johnny. Zotz then looks towards what he was sleeping on, and both johnny and Zotz become silent for a bit."

"OH, SHIT IM SO SORRY!" Zotz says very apologetically while blushing profusely. which makes johnny reply "Ah n-no it's just fine, I shouldn't have sat here without your input", both of them proceed to sit there for a few moments.

When then Johnny breaks the silence "Sooooo what hobbies do you like to do? Music is basically my life heh, but I do like skating with my skateboard.", "um I usually read, play my ukulele, and even sing. Which lets me do covers of songs on the internet" Zotz says nervously. "Wow that's great can I see?" Johnny asks, "huh?" Zotz confused on what he means, "your channel" Johnny specifies. "OH s-sure but I'm not that well known or anything." Zotz then proceeds to type the name of his channel in his phone, which he then shows Johnny "Ahh thanks luv, I'll go and check it out" Johnny says, which makes Zotz blush like a ripe tomato. Johnny confused starts is processing what he just said, and after a few seconds he starts going red as Zotz, both of them go silent again. "DAMN IT BRAIN WHY DID I SAY THAT UIHFFSJFJWJF" Johnny thought.

They were then interrupted by the voice of Mr. Moon "Hey johnny we're doing one last rehearsal, now come on!" The koala said energetically. "In a minute Mr. Moon" Johnny replied, then he turns his attention back to Zotz. "I have to go now I'll see you later" but before johnny could go Zotz stops him for a moment, "WAIT, umm I have a question." "Uh sure shoot" Johnny replied. " So, are you guys trying to audition for Crystal Entertainment?" which surprises Johnny but he answers anyways. "Umm yeah we are, but we're hoping to win" "Oh ok well I'm also going to audition as well" Zotz says hesitantly which surprises Johnny. "Wow well good luck I guess" "you too, if I don't win, I'll still be rooting for you guys." "Thanks, I got to go rehearse now"

Johnny then goes to the group to start rehearsing. "Woah my heart is racing, wait what am I feeling!?! WAIT NO no no way, I won't say it no no, THIS CANT BE HAPPENING" Zotz thoughts as he blushes like crazy.

(AND THATS THE END OF THIS PART, I put a little Disney reference lol >:D, tell me if you found it. But anyways the next chapter will be about when the gang arrives at Red Shore City :)

From the author)

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