Part 12: Sleepover and Calls

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The three boys have just left the production building and is making their way outside, as Ryan looks over at bus times on his phone. "Ah shoot, not again" Ryan groans, which makes both Johnny and Zotz concerned. "You good? Did you miss your bus again?" Johnny asks, in which Ryan nods in defeat. Ryan then sighs, "Well do you have any more places we can go check out, Zotz?" Ryan asks in which Zotz responds, "Sorry, there are no new places we could go, due to it being too late at night, too crowded, or too far from the hotel." Ryan then looks to be a pretty disappointed, as Johnny speaking, "Um, maybe you could crash with us?" Johnny says, as Ryan then looks Johnny in surprise, "You sure? you both and the crew must be a bit cramped up there, and is there really any space for me?" Ryan asks a bit skeptical, as Johnny reassures. "Don't worry I believe there's enough space for the three of us." In which Zotz nods in agreement. The three are then walking towards the hotel building, with Ryan behind them, letting the other two lead the way.

The three then step out the elevator, as they have reached their floor. "Whoa this is nice" Ryan says mesmerized, "You haven't been in the hotel before?" Zotz asked surprised. "Nah, I'm usually at the lobby floor, grabbing food, coffee, or just looking around the place. I never got a hotel room or seen them" Ryan explains. "Well just wait till you see the room, well, I guess you can't really call it a room." Johnny chuckles as they reached their door. Ryan then looks confused due to what Johnny had said, "What do you mean that it's not a room-" Ryan was about to finish his sentence but was then interrupted when Johnny opens the door to their "room".

The penthouse was still a bit the same as the Theatre crew arrived, but the room was filled with many different lights, as well as a breathtaking view of the city in night, with all the mesmerizing lights of the buildings, which can be easily seen with the balcony outside the windows. Ryan was stunned on how high quality, the penthouse was. "This is your hotel room!? This is 5 times bigger than my apartment!" Ryan says which catches the attention of Ash, and Meena, who had been watching YouTube videos on the large widescreen T.V. Johnny immediately explains why Ryan is here, "Hey Ash, and hey Meena, Ryan is gonna stay the night since he missed the bus to his apartment. If that's alright?" In which Ash looks excited but also tries to contain herself. "Of course! But where is he going to sleep?" Meena says, as Ash has her iconic mischievous grin, but hides it immediately. "Well, since he's your guest, He should probably sleep in your room." Ash says which makes Zotz blush, while johnny slightly blushes. "Uh-yeah! sure, here Ryan, you can put your stuff on our room," Zotz leads Ryan who is also slightly blushing, with Johnny behind them.

When they got to their door Zotz turned the knob of the door, as it opened to the usual two kind of tall beds, a lamp between the beds, a door that leads to their closet, and door that leads to the bathroom. As well a giant glass window to show another amazing view of the city in which is covered by some drapes. "Woah, even your room is nice," Ryan says again astonished, "Yeah, I still kinda can't believe we're performing in the Crystal Theatre but here we are." Zotz says still in a bit of disbelief, with Johnny nodding in agreement. Ryan then sets his stuff down as Zotz willingly falls towards his bed. "So where should I sleep?" Ryan asks, as both Johnny and Zotz then look a tad dumbfounded, as they now realize "Where is Ryan supposed to sleep at??" The two then begin brainstorming, as Johnny then stands up and begins searching for something. He then goes into the closet and comes back out with many pillows and blankets, with both Ryan and Zotz looking confused on what the gorilla is doing. "Who's up with making a pillow fort?" Johnny asks with a smile, with Ryan then lighting up and begins to grab blankets and pillows. Both Johnny and Zotz looked surprised on how happy Ryan was, due to on the topic of a pillow forts, "You seem very happy for this" Zotz chuckled, with Ryan responding with a smile "Oh! yeah, it's just something my friends and I loved doing back home. I guess, I just missed doing it." As Ryan talked, both Johnny and Zotz were mesmerized by the contagious happiness emitting from Ryan. "Sooo, you guys gonna help?" Ryan asked which breaks out the other two from their zone out. "Huh? Oh right! Sorry. sure, I'll move the bed." Johnny says as he moves the beds together, "Oh! I'll just lay the pillows down." Zotz says as he then grabs some pillows.

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