Part 11: Unexpected switch and the shipping schemes

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The theatre crew find themselves at the cafeteria, as they walk towards a large table, that fit the entire group. As they sit down, Moon and Gunter are talking about the script and show, Ash and Meena are talking about Meena's new partner, and Johnny, Ryan, and Zotz are still talking about their ability to sing. "Meena? you good? if that guy is making you uncomfortable, I can ask moon to find you a new partner. Orrrr I could at least hit him with my quills" Ash says first with worry, then with a manic smile. Meena then sighs "No, it's fine, besides Moon is already busy with the script and story, I can deal with Darius with myself. Ok?" Meena says trying to reassure Ash, which doesn't do much to ease Ash's worry, but she doesn't try to mention it again anytime soon. "Did I actually do good there?" Ryan asked, in which both Johnny and Zotz look baffled, and Ryan starts to get worried about what he may have said. "Are you joking mate?? You are amazing, not perfect but way better than a usual singer. How many times do we have to say it to you?" Johnny says firmly as Zotz interjects in agreement, "Yeah, Johnny's right you have the talent and potential to be a great singer and have an undeniable knack for dancing as well." Ryan then chuckles and says "Yeah, sorry just, never thought I had it in me to sing like that, so I was kind of surprised, and a bit doubtful." Ryan then sighs as he continues, "But anyways for now, I don't want to do anything big with my voice or singing yet, you know? Not until I'm confident enough." Then out of nowhere, Moon and Gunter, walks up to the three boys. "Hey Ryan, was it? You were amazing back there!", which surprises Ryan even more, "Oh! really? Thanks" Ryan says with a smile as Moon continues, "So me and Gunter, have been thinking about some changes to the show" Moon says in which makes the boys a bit concerned "And we would like you to duet with Johnny! Instead of only being like dance partners, you know! To help make the show better." Gunter says in which, Ryan is shocked while Zotz and Johnny are also surprised with the news. "Wait! me?? But I'm not the experienced, nor am I as talented as all of everyone else" Ryan says in which Johnny and Zotz smack their face with their palms. Moon tries to reassure and claims to have a plan. "Don't worry you're a good singer, and all of us will help you practice and give you advise to the best of your and our abilities.", Moon and Gunter then walks away to grab his food. "Welp that's Moon for ya, making schemes as he goes along." Rosita says with a not surprised but also disappointed sigh, "You good to do this?" Zotz asked Ryan, "Hopefully, looks like you both will be my singing coaches" Ryan laughs, "I guess we are" Johnny chuckles as well.

A few moments later, Ash is seen dragging Meena, and Rosita to the break room and sits them down in the multitude of chairs. "Woah, Ash what could be so important that you had to drag us all the way to the break room from everyone else? Are you doing alright?" Rosita asked a tad worried. "Yeah Ash, but I don't mind being away from Darius for a while." Meena confessed. Ash then sits down in the seat Infront of them and begins to explain, "Ok, here's the thing, we need to give the boys a tiny push if you know what I mean." Then both Meena and Rosita understood what she meant. "Oh, right sorry, I was so focused on recitals, that I forgot" Meena remembered as Rosita interrupted a bit, "Maybe we should let them do the push themselves? I mean It's so obvious to the point where everyone is expecting when the wedding is at this point." Rosita says which made both Meena and Ash laughed, as Ash continued, "Maybe, but you forget, how oblivious Johnny can be, he may not even realize he's even in love with Ryan and Zotz. Now Zotz, with how he is, and with the little time I've known him, he seems to be very perspective and clever with things. So, I think he may already know, that he's in love with them but is too afraid of ruining the relationship between them. Now for the hard part, Ryan, I barely know the guy, he seems to be pretty cool, and seems to really like the other two, And It's obvious that he has a crush with the other two, seeing that he lights up when he sees the other two, and loves talking to them. But It's hard to tell what's stopping him from asking the other two out." Ash says which shocks both Rosita and Meena due to how much she looked into this. "You really want this to be a thing. Huh Ash?" Meena jokes, "Well yeah, I got nothing else to do." Ash says which, confuses Rosita and Meena, "Wait, can't you just practice your guitar? or do any of your hobbies?" Rosita asked which causes Ash to laugh, "Oh, dear Rosita, THIS IS MY HOBBY", Ash says with a manic laugh, "I'm scared. Should I be scared?" Meena admitted. "Yes dear, we should be" Rosita.

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