Chapter 14

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***Matt's POV***

Today is the last day of the tour, and we plan on calling Maygen's mom before we leave. I hope she lets us adopt her. She has become way to important to us to only see her when we have breaks. We all want to see her all the time. That kid needs to live with us.

I get Zacky, Brian, and Johnny to make the call to Maygen's mom. Erin is out with Maygen to get McDonalds or something. They should be gone for like three hours because the only McDonalds here has a play area. They both love the slides and shit. I swear they are really five year olds.

"Dude you've been zoned for like ten minutes! Call Vicki before Maygen gets back." Brian was waving his hands in front of my face till I came back out of my thoughts completely.

"Sorry man," I say.

I dial Vicki's number and wait for her to pick up.

 "Hello! How's Maygen? Oh and you guys?" I can feel the love...

"Maygen is doing fine, and so are we. Thank you for asking. We actually wanted to talk to you about something that involves your daughter."

 "She wasn't causing trouble for you guys, was she?" She sounded really concerned. She must get in trouble a lot.

"No ma'am! She's been amazing. We all loved having her on tour with us. We have a question, and we're asking for a lot but we're taking a risk."

 "What is it? As long as it's not money then it probably won't be a problem."

"We want to adopt your daughter...."

Silence. Total silence on the other end of the call. We all got extremely worried that she was going to say no and yell at us. The guys had worried expressions on their faces, and they kept fidgeting.

"Ma'am?" I asked. I was waiting for the yelling to start.

 "It's okay with me as long as you can give me really good reasons why you want to adopt my daughter. You'd still have to get the okay from her dad though."

"Really?!" We all shout in disbelief. We decide to pass the phone around naming a reason why we want her to stay with us. I went first since it was my phone, and I was the one who was adopting her.

"We've grown really close, and she is like a daughter to me. Not having her around all the time would rip me apart." I passed the phone to Brian.

"That girl is an awesome guitar player, and I want to teach her some things. Also she keeps us all from arguing. Kinda like a peace keeper." He passes the phone to Johnny.

"She's awesome as fu- I mean fudge. With her around we both get picked on, not just me" Really Johnny? He hands the phone to Zacky.

"I don't really know why I want your daughter to stay with us. I just do, and without her here I'd feel weird and a little empty. She's a part of this family and we need her." He hands the phone to me and I wait for Vicki's response.

"Zacky won me over. You can adopt her if you can convince her father."

"Yea!" Zacky yelled in victory from winning over Maygen's mom. That guy loves winning.

"Thank you so so much ma'am. We promise if we get her dad to agree, then your daughter will never be sad or anything again. She'll be so freaking happy. We'll still bring her back tomorrow of course, so we can get everything completely planned out, and we will set up a court date to fight for her if we have to."

"Jeez you really want to adopt her don't you?"

"Yes ma'am!" We all yelled in unison, and she laughed at us.

"She will love being able to stay with you guys. You're her idols and she looks up to you all. I feel like you'd all be great role models for her as well. I have to go so I will see you all tomorrow. Bye guys."

"Bye!" We all yelled and hung up.

After I set the phone down we gave each other high fives and called Erin come back to the bus. I didn't tell Erin what Vicki said because he isn't very good at keeping secrets.

It only took them ten minutes to get back to the bus. When they got through the door, Brian, Zacky, and Johnny dragged them to the couch. They sat there with so much fear on their faces. They must've thought that they were in trouble for something. They probably fucked something up.

"You guys didn't break anything did you?" They gave me more terrified looks.

Erin spoke. " We may have broke something while we were in the play area..." He trailed off.

"What the hell did you break?!"

Maygen answered this time. "We may have broken a slide..."

"How the hell did you break a slide?!" I yelled. The rest of the guys were laughing their asses off.

"I weighed to much and the slide couldn't hold my weight. So it kinda fell off the rest of the play area, and we left before anyone noticed...."

That caused the guys to laugh even harder. They were laughing so hard that they fell and were clutching their sides. Damn we are going to have our hands full.

After everyone got over their laughing fit, we told Maygen the news. She was so happy, and she went to each of us and gave us a big hug. I feel bad because there's still the fact that her dad won't be giving her up as easy as her mom. Getting Maygen is going to be harder than ever.

I sat Maygen down again, and she looked pretty confused. I don't want to make her upset, but she needs to know that she may not be able to stay with us.

"There's still more information kiddo."

"Okay.... Then spill it."

"Well.... We still have to get your dad's consent, and if we can't get him to let you stay with us we'll have to go to court."

"Oh..." She hung her head down and started fidgeting with her hands. Dammit I made her sad. Fix this Matt!

"But I'm sure we could definitely win in court if we had to. We have good people. We could surely win. I promise you'll live with us soon."

"Don't promise if you aren't a hundred percent sure you can keep that promise."

"I'm sure that this promise will be kept. I never break my promises. You can even ask the guys."

"He's never broken a serious promise. He's broken promises like, "I promise I won't break any of your plates." Just stuff like that."

"That's still a broken promise..."

Good job Matt! She was supposed to be happy, and you made her sad. I'll have the guys make me better at making people happy.

After no one said anything for a few minutes, we all left for our bunks. The silence was awkward, and no one wanted to be in the room anymore. We all started packing, and cleaning up the bus. We don't need Maygen's mom thinking we live in a pig pen. It took a few hours to clean everything up, and then we started driving back to Michigan. This is going to be a long ass drive....

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