The Hotel (4)

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           It took forever to get to the hotel because of traffic, and fans not letting us get through till they signed their shirts and other items. I would say it took about two hours or more to get there. When we did I ran to the room and belly flopped onto the bed. I heard them walk in and I yelled....

           "IT'S MINE YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!"

            I heard them laugh, and I was picked up and thrown onto a different bed. It was smaller, but it was a thousand times more comfy. I didn't say anything because I thought if I said anything I'd lose the bed. I almost fell asleep until a towel was thrown at my face. I looked up to see all the guys in bathing suits.

              "Get up and change. We're going swimming!" they all yelled I rolled off the bed and hit the floor with a loud thud. I saw some of the guys laugh. 

             "Yea laugh all you want" I said "But I will find a way to get you back later." 

             I heard several people run out of the room, and Matt's laugh. I heard a loud thud so I am assuming someone ran into a wall, or they tripped. I got up and saw Brian trying to get back on his feet and rush out the door. I chuckled and went in the bathroom to change. I had a Batman bathing suit, and it was starting to get a little snug. I was going to have to ask if we could get a new one on amazon.

            I got finished changing and walked out. I was surprised to see Matt still in the room. He waited for me to change? I knew where the pool was, then I remembered the airport, and how I just kind of wandered off. I didn't exactly earn the right to walk around alone.

               He looked at me surprised then spoke "Wow I expected you to take longer."

              "Why? Oh yea because I'm a girl that's right" I laughed "I only take about ten minutes and at the most fifteen."

              "Nice we won't have to nag you to get out of the bathroom" he chuckled and dragged me out the door. I could tell he really wanted to go to the pool. He let go of me after I almost tripped down the stairs because he was going to fast. When we got to the pool there was a lot of people. Most of them were crowded around the rest of the guys, and they were asking for autographs.I could see they were starting to get annoyed. Matt wanted to give them a brake so they could relax so he yelled to get the fans attention.

             "Synyster! Your nightmare has arrived!" he started laughing at himself, until he was almost plowed over. Well I was pushed to the ground, and Matt told everyone to back up. He picked me up, and put me on his shoulders. Some people gave dirty stares, but I ignored them. Matt signed autographs for fifteen minutes, until he wanted to be in the pool and told everyone he was done for the day. 

                   The minute he was free from fans he took me off his shoulders, threw me into the pool, and jumped in right after. You could see the way he smiled that he hasn't had free time for a while. He also looked very relaxed. Unlike the other guys. They were messing around, pushing and shoving each other. Matt yelled a few times, but he tried to ignore them the best he could.

***Matt's PTV***

                     "Guys cut it out! I'm trying to relax!" I yelled.

                    Brian flipped me off and said "If you wanna relax go to the room jackass! We're trying to have some fun. Why don't you join in?"

                   "I don't feel like getting off my ass and move, and also I don't take orders from you mister."

                    "You should. I'm smarter and just as old as you."

                    "Who said you were smarter?"

                    After that Zach, Jon, and Rich raised their hands. I got up and pushed them one by one in the pool. When the popped their heads out of the water they gave me nasty glares. I laughed, rolled my eyes, and walked back to the room. I was surprised to see Maygen in the room. I didn't even notice she left. I smacked myself for not keeping an eye on her. When I glanced at her and she was sleeping, and there was a book in her hand. I never knew why people fell asleep while reading a book. Unless it was boring then I get it.

                      I grabbed the book from her hands and read the title. "The Blue Exorcist Volume: 9". It was anime. I don't get why people read this stuff. I opened it and read "You're reading in the wrong direction" I closed the book and opened it from the back. It took me a while to get used to reading it, but I did enjoy the book. I found myself dosing off, and I fell asleep.

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