Chapter 15

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***Maygen's POV***

The drive back to Michigan took forever, which I was thankful for. I knew that when I got back I'd have to go to my Dad's. He is beyond pissed that I went on tour without telling him, and that I didn't come home that day after school. I'm going to be in a shit load of trouble.

When we got back, Matt took me to my Mom's. Apparently my Dad is supposed to pick me up there. Yay my Mom and the guys can keep me from going over there! Maybe....

As soon as we got to my Mom's I ran off the bus to giver her a hug. I missed her so freaking much.Feeling her arms around me again made me feel safe and loved. I was finally home. After my hugging session with my mom, we invited the guys into the house. They looked around and they seemed pleased with what they saw. They didn't expect a lot because their houses were just as big as mine.

We gave them a tour of the house and they went crazy over my room. It had dark grey walls with one chalkboard wall, Avenged Sevenfold stickers and posters on the walls, a spotlight, one big and one small flat screen TV, black and white carpeting, and an old dinosaur computer (The ones that came out before laptops). They found it interesting that I would rather use that than a nice laptop. I like it because it's my Grandmother's, and plus it's not as complicated.

We showed them the rest of the rooms, and the only thing they really cared about was the cats. We have six of them, and they all adored them. My favorite cat Tapsy ran for Brian and licked licked his face till it hurt. Daphne and Dalyla loved Johnny, Dante loved Matt, Joey loved Zacky, and Chosey, the shyest cat of all, was head over heels for Erin. Those two were close to perfect for each other. My Mom got a little jealous and coaxed her away with treats. The cats left after they got overwhelmed with people, and we all went to the living room to talk.

Matt was the first to talk. "So what time does her Dad come to get her?"

"He comes around four forty-five, and it's about four now."

The guys let out a big sigh and Zacky let out a irritated groan. Speaking for us both. I didn't want to go to my Dad's. If I could take the guys with me, then I'd be fine.

Everyone talked about the tour until my Dad showed up. As soon as I saw his car out there, I clung to Matt. It took several minutes to pry me off of him, mostly because he didn't want me to leave either. I grabbed my bags and trudged out to my Dad's car. I made sure take as much time as possible. I stopped ten feet away from the car when I noticed he wasn't in the car. It was his girlfriend. He's such a coward.

Pat hasn't noticed me yet, so I ran back into the house. I got the guys and my Mom and made them come out with me. My Mom started laughing when she saw who was in the car. The guys were pretty confused, but I told them to wait and they will understand why I dragged them out here.

I dragged Matt to the driver side and signaled Pat to roll down her window. She glanced at Matt and started to glare at him. Matt replied with one of his biggest smiles. She rolled her eyes, and then she turned towards me.

"Maygen c'mon we need to get going." She sounded a little irritated.

"I'd like to actually have my friend Matt take me there."

She laughed and started shaking her head. "Nope. Sorry Maygen but you have to get in the car and I have to take you home."

"His house is not my home. He isn't my father, and I am not getting in the car with you. Yeah I will go to my Dad's, but I will be going with people I trust. You can leave my property, and head back to him."

Pat looked beyond pissed, and everyone else looked shocked and amused. She scoffed and pulled out of the driveway. I turned to Matt and gave him a huge hug, and the others joined the hug. I finally won something! Even though I still have to go, I'm still glad that I don't have to deal with Pat's nagging. I am pretty close to beating her face with a rock.

After our happy moment, we decided to go get some food. I never said what time I'm going to my Dad's. We went to The Hungry Wolf, and Matt went crazy when I ate my burger in about three minutes. My mom simply shrugged her shoulders and said this was normal. The other guys laughed, while Matt sat dumbfounded on how I ate my burger that fast. All you gotta do is take really big bites, and chew fast. So freaking simple.

We finished eating, then Matt and I got in the car to go to my Dad's. We sang almost every song we heard on the radio, and time went by insanely fast. When we got to my Dad's, I pulled Matt to the front door with me. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. My Dad came to the door and he looked right at Matt. Matt held out his hand and smiled, but my Dad didn't shake his hand or smile back. All he did was scowl. He turned to me and grabbed my arm trying to drag me inside. Matt grabbed me by my waist and pulled me out of my Dad's grip. Anger was written clearly over both of their faces, so I pulled Matt to the side and gave him a hug to calm him down. After he was sure that he wouldn't start anything with my Dad.

Instead of stopping to talk to my Dad, we walked right by him and to my room. My Dad was yelling and trying to make Matt leave, but we both ignored him and shut the door when we got into my room. I pulled out a sleeping bag from my closet, and rolled it out on the floor. I went to my bed and grabbed a few pillows and handed them to Matt, then I plugged my IPod to my speaker and started playing music. Tomorrow is going to be interesting. Going back to school after being gone for months, and Matt will be by my side the whole time. The principal will understand, because Matt makes me feel safe and that's what I need after what happened. Not really, but that's my excuse. For some reason it doesn't really effect me. I feel like that's a bad thing, but it just doesn't bug me at all. I just hope people stopped talking about it.

I kept thinking about how it was going to be at school as I slowly drifted to sleep.


Yay! Another chapter up Xl I finally have time to update more, since I can do it at school too. I should update a chapter or two every week. If I don't it's because I don't know what I want to write. I may start working on my other story instead of updating this one, because I haven't updated that one in a while. So don't expect chapters too soon....Anyway... I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Byez

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