Chapter 16

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***Maygen's POV***

I woke up to In The End by Black Veil Brides playing. I looked over towards Matt on the floor and he shot up. When he realized it was time to get up, he groaned and slumped back on the floor. I laughed at him and got up. I went to my closet and picked out my Black Veil Brides shirt, red skinnys, and red converse. I went to the bathroom and got ready.

I came back from the bathroom and Matt was still laying on the floor. There's only one way to wake up a non morning person.... Andy's screaming in the beginning of Perfect Weapon! I pulled out my IPod and put it right next to his ear then pressed play. Matt was so startled that he almost slapped me. Waking people up like that is fun, but very dangerous. You must be willing to risk a slap or punch.

After he calmed down he sent me a death glare, which only caused me to laugh. He pushed me over then stuck his tongue out at me. We shoved each other for a few minutes then I looked at the time... We only had about 20 minutes to get the big weirdo ready.

"Go get your ass ready Sanders! We're going to be late!"

Matt chuckled and shouted, "Language! And my ass will get ready as slow as it wants."

I sighed and rolled my eyes at him. I pushed him out of my room and into the bathroom so he can get ready. When he came out we had about 5 minutes before the bus came. I'll have to eat school food for breakfast.... Plan my funeral now.

We ran outside and I was about to go to the end of the driveway to wait, but Matt grabbed my arm.

"The bus picks me up there, not here."

"The bus isn't picking you up. I'm going to drive you there. I have a car. Remember?"

"Oooooh.... I forgot."

I hopped into his car and I gave him the directions to my school. After we got there, I pulled him into the office. I asked for the principle (My cousin) and we waited a few minutes before he came out. When he saw me he looked shocked.

"Hi Mr. Hungaford! I was wondering if my friend Matt could walk around with me from now on."

"Ummm why do you want him to follow you around?"

"With the whole situation with my neighbor, I'd feel safe with him around all the time."

"I suppose. I'll send an email to your teachers letting them know you're back and that Matt will be with you. By the way you both did great when you performed here. Maybe since you're going to be here you could do concerts at lunch?"

Matt got a big smile on his face and said," Thank you sir! And I'd love to."

"Great! Make sure Maygen gets to sing a few with you. She's a great singer."

"I'll be sure to have her up there too. I'll call the guys and have them rest to set up."

After they finished talking about setting up for the lunch concerts, we headed to my first hour. When I walked in with Matt, we were bombarded with curious stares. I took Matt to my seat and we got on the computer. We watched videos that people made of him being a dork. By the end of each video he would shake his head in disappointment. He would ask himself why the hell would I say that and laugh at himself. It was pretty entertaining.

Since it was computer lab we did nothing but sit on computers the whole time. We got the same stares from the other three hours and it was kind of making me uncomfortable. People need to stop staring. I would love to have my friends around right now...

We went through half the day and not one of my friends have talked to me. All they did was stare. This is incredibly ridiculous.

Matt and I made our way to the gym to set up for the lunch concert thing. When we walked in, the rest of the guys were there setting up. I ran to each of them and hugged them tight.

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