Deep Trouble (5)

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***Maygen's POV***
         Brian and Matt were at it again. They're always fighting and it pisses me off. I was even more pissed at myself for wanting to go swimming. The cuts were still majorly visible, and it's kind of hard to hide it while swimming. If any of the guys saw it they would kill me, and I like living so I have to keep it hidden until it's healed.
          While they were argueing I thought it'd be the perfect time to sneak back to the room and cover up my cuts. When I walked out I realized I didn't have a key back to the room. I had to walk all the way to the lobby in my bathing suit and ask for a room key. I hoped that I wouldn't need Matt's permission to get another one, but I think they will just give me one considering they saw me walk in with them.
        I was very happy that they let me get another key without having to consult Matt. I barely had to say a word and a room key was shoved in my face. It wad kind of rude but I frankly didn't care.
I ran to the elevator, but it wad taking to long so I just used the stairs. We had the whole top floor rented out so we wouldn't disturb anyone else with our loudness. It also took forever to get to the top. My legs were burning.
        I finally made it to the top, and made my way to the room we all hung out it. I changed, grabbed my manga and started to read until I dozed off. I woke up about an hour later to find Matt with my book knicked out on his bed. I shook my head and giggled silently.  He is cute when he is sleeping, and especially with a manga of The Blue Exorcist in his hand. He didn't look so tough when he was sleeping. He looked like a big teddy bear with cut offs, ripped jeans, and a bandana. He was adorable, and it gave me another reason to love this guy. I was bored and thoughy I should share his adorableness on every social site I was on. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and VampireFreaks. I tagged the band in the twitter post that said...
           @AvengedSevenfold awwww so adorable lol Had a rough day.
         I know he probably won't be happy about a picture of him sleeping is now on twitter and possibly all over the internet within minutes or hours. He will have to deal with it though. I'm gonna be around for a few months and this is only the beginning. I just hope he doesn't get pissed and sends me back. I doubt that'll happen though. The guys seem to be pretty fond of me already.
***Zach's POV***
        "Brian you shouldn't be a bitch to Matt. He's just stressed and needs to relax because he works harder than all of us. I know you know it."
      " Zach if he wanted to relax he could've stayed in the room, but he decided to go to the pool where he should know it's going to be a littke chaotic."
All of our phones chirped, telling them that the band was tagged in a tweet. Brian saw the picture first and started laughing hysterical. He thought it was the funniest thing in the world. He found it even more funny when I pointed out the manga comic in his hand. Brian was laughing so hard he almost landed in the pool with his brand new phone. He would've been on a rampage.  Nobody would want to see that trust me. I moved Brian away from the water while he kept chuckling  at the picture of Matt that Maygen took.
        "Zach you know how fucking pissed Matt is going to be? He looks like a fucking teddy bear in this picture,  and all of his ther ones are tough and scary. He ain't going to like this. We should convince her to take it-
Brian was interupted by a chirp from his phone. Matt had left a comment on the picture.
       @maygene5812 4 Haha -_- You won't think I'm adorable after I dump ice water on your head in the morning.
        Brian, Rich, and I looked at each other with wide eyes and we bolted up to our room door. We heard a mixture of laughing and screaming.  A scream and a laugh from Maygen, and a very devilish laugh from Matt. We opened the door to find them wrestling, and Maygen trying to get away. She was failing so miserably. Matt noticed we were in the room, and put Maygen on the bed and sat on her. She squirmed for a few seconds then realized she couldn't escape sho she just layed there. Matt laughed then messed up her hair.

      "Why are guys up here so early? I thought you'd wanna mess around for at leat another hour."

      "We saw the tweet and your comment so we thought we might need to get up here ASAP." said Brian.

      "Ithink me sitting on her is punishment enough" he laughed "I'm not gonna dump cold water on her head, but she might end up in the pool."

       I interupted them and said "Guys I think she fell asleep" I was laughing "She looks a little red in the face. I think she's getting hot. Matt take her sweatshirt off.

        She was knocked out so she didn't notice when Matt took it off. When he got it off he had a look of disbelief, and he walked out of the room. The three of us walked over to her to see why he walked out, and then we saw the cuts on her arm. As soon as Brian saw it he joined Matt, and left. I could tell they were upset, and Rich was sitting on the bed shaking his head. Nobody was happy with what she has done. I didn't want to sit in here with Rich just being upset about it, so i went to get Matt and Brian. 

       They were both in the hallway. Matt was standing with his hand over his face because he was stressed about it, and Brian was sitting on the ground. He looked as if he was staring into an endless pit of nothingness. I knew they were extremely upset about this situation, but I needed them to help me talk to her after she woke up. What she did was horribly wrong, and who ever pushed her to it is a horrible person. I just hope Matt won't scare her into a horrible state of shock from being yelled at. Matt can be extremely frightening. Well I guess it's time to see what he wants to do about it....



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