Chapter 17

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***Matt's POV***

When we got back to Maygen's house there was a police officer in the driveway and her Dad's wife. Where is her Dad?

After we parked the car we got out and went to ask what the hell was going on. As we got closer, the wife came towards us and grabbed Maygen by the front of her shirt and started yelling at her.

"This is all your fault! You had to bring that freak here and make him feel like shit!" After that she smacked Maygen across the face and threw her to the ground. I went running to Maygen and the officer grabbed the wife before she could do anymore damage.

I sat on the ground next to Maygen and held her since she was on the verge of tears. She clung to me a put her face in my chest and started to cry. As she did that the officer came over to us.

"Sir what is your name?"

I looked up at him and answers. "Matthew Sanders."

"How do you know this girl?"

"I'm from a band called Avenged Sevenfold. Her mom called us up and asked us if we'd take her on tour with us. We agreed and she's been with me and the other guys on tour for a few months. She like family." The last part made the wife scoff.

"Enough out of you!" The officer yelled.

"Would you mind if I borrowed Maygen for a minute?"

"If she's up for it then yea go ahead." I shook Maygen a bit to get her attention. "Are you up for talking to the officer?"

She nodded and spoke. "Can Matt come too? Please?"

"Sure thing." The officer turned to me. "Let's go boy! You're as slow as a turtle!" He started to laugh and so did Maygen.

I jogged over to them and stood next to Maygen.

"So apparently your Dad has run off. He took all of his wife's money and canceled his credit card and phone service. We have no idea where he could have gone. I'm sorry about this"

Maygen got the biggest smile on her face and the officer looked confused as ever.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked.

She hugged me tight and yelled, "I don't have to deal with him anymore! I can be happy!"

The officer looked shocked but just shrugged it off. Maygen just stayed clung to me and we asked the officer if could take her to her Mom's house. He gave us permission and said we didn't have to come back and he didn't have custody of her until her came back. I'm pretty sure you have to do something in court for that but whatever. We got Maygen's stuff and her dog Ranger, then we got in my car and went to her Mom's.

On our way we called her Mom, letting her know what's going on. She was just as happy as Maygen. Damn he must've been a pretty bad guy. Her Mom said she'd get the adoption papers before we go there. We finally get to have Maygen! The guys are going to be so excited.

It took a little while to get there. Maygen and I just sang our older songs. It was fun as Hell. When we got there her Mom was outside with the guys waiting for us. Everyone had huge ass smiles on their faces. Maygen's Mom looked a little sad because she wasn't going to see her daughter very much anymore.

We got out of the car and Maygen went to go pack her stuff. Maygen's Mom handed me the adoption papers and I got them signed. Maygen took about an hour to get her things packed and we made plans to get a moving truck tomorrow. Everyone stayed at her Mom's for the night because Maygen really wanted to since it will be quite a while before she sees her again. I took Maygen's old bed, Maygen slept with her Mom, Brian slept in the bed with me, Zacky tried to sleep on the same bed but he fell off and stayed on the floor, and Erin took the couch upstairs. He was thinking. You can't share on a couch.

***Maygen's POV***
I woke up and remembered it was my last day here for a long time. I looked over at my Mom, who was still sleeping. She's going to be pretty lonely... Her husband works a lot and most times doesn't come back for a few days. I feel so bad, but I need to be with Matt... I just wish my Mom could come with me but I know she can't.

I slipped out of the bed without waking her up, then went to the kitchen to make breakfast. No one else was up? I looked at the clock and mentally hit myself. It's only 8 am. They aren't waking up till noon or so.

I finished making a bowl of cereal and went to the living room to watch Tv, but there was a problem... Erin was zonked on the couch. I let out an irritated sigh then went to eat at the table. Good thing nothing is ever on in the morning.

I finished my cereal then tried to think of a way to wake up the house.... MY STEP DAD HAS BIG SPEAKERS AND SURROUND SOUND!

I grabbed my IPod and started blaring Carry On My Wayward Son. I heard profanity coming from every spot in the house. Except for right in front of me. Erin was still sound asleep. He is seriously right in the middle of all the speakers and he's still zonked? Damn. I went into the kitchen, grabbed a big bowl, and filled it with ice cold water. I walked over to Erin and slowly started dumping it on him. The second it touched him, he screeched like a little girl who just saw a spider. Jesus that was funny.

After I got them all up, we got a truck called and got my stuff around to put in it. I'm going to miss this place.....

Another chapter :3 don't really know what to say about this one.... It's kind of a filler but I hope you enjoyed :)

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