First Day Back/Last Day There 1

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             I got off the bus and walked to my locker. I put all my stuff away, and walked towards the lunchroom to sit with my friends. On my way there people were staring at me, and whispering about something. I was getting embarrassed. I put my head down, and rushed to my friends. When I sat down they were staring too. 

                   "Why is everyone staring at me?! What did I do?!" I yelled. No one answered, and that made me start to tear up. No one was talking to me. It's like they think I killed someone over spring break. I saw Eli and when he saw me he quickly got out of sight. I wondered why he did that. I ignored it and decided to try and hear what they were whispering about.

                    " Did you hear what happened to that girl over there? The one with the red hair."

                    "No. What happened?"

             "I was told that she was raped by some creepy old dude. Like it was her neighbor or something."

                   "Who told you that?"

                   "The person who told me said that Eli told her."

                  I heard enough and I was crying. I thought Eli was someone I could trust. I didn't want the whole school finding out. I called my dad hoping he could help me. All he said was at least they know it's a dangerous place out there. I hung up and ran towards the door. A couple guys were there. They looked like they were in their twentys to thirties. I didn't look at their faces very much. I opened the door and ran out. I heard people running after me, and that caused me to run faster.

After a little bit of running I only heard one person chasing me. I kept running, and I tripped over a tree root, and I landed on my face. I pushed myself on the ground, and sat up. I was out of breath. I looked down and started crying harder, and pulled my legs to my chest. I heard the footsteps get closer, until I saw a guy standing in front of me. I didn't look up so he decided to sit down next to me. He started rubbing my back. It made me jump.

                     "Someone is a tad bit jumpy" the man said with a chuckle."Will you tell me what happened? Why'd you run out crying?" I didn't answer for a while. I was thinking about whose voice that could be. It sounded so familiar. It was deep. The laugh was familiar too. I just didn't know where I've heard that voice before. I decided I should look up, and see who the man that was trying to help me looked like. 

                           My eyes widened, and he stared at me in confusion till he realized I knew exactly who he was. I saw a smile start to form on his face. I immediately hugged him, and started crying again. I was shocked that my idol M. Shadows was actually here. Letting me cry on his shoulder. He picked me up, and started carrying me back to school. I saw Synyster Gates, Zacky Vengeance, Johnny Christ, and Erin Ilejay talking to students trying to figure out why I ran out. They looked really concerned. I heard one of them yell.

                 "Where the hell is Eli Palmer?! He is getting a fucking fist to the face!"

                 "Dude!" M. Shadows yelled. "You can't hit kids!"

                "You'd do it too if you heard what that kid did to that girl in your arms there."

               "What did he do?" he asked thinking it would be something little, but still bad. Synyster walked towards us and said...

                "This girl was raped, and she told him thinking he was trustworthy and wouldn't tell another living soul. He ended up telling the whole goddamn school!"he screamed.

                  "Do you know where Eli is?" Shadows asked. I nodded.

                  "He's in gym most likely." he put me down and I walked him to the gym. When we walked in I spotted Eli and pointed him out. M.Shadows put me on his shoulders and we made our way towards him. All six of us. people stared at us for the fact there was an eighth grader on a man shoulders, and the man was in all black and so was the other four. I saw Eli turn and he started to run. Zacky was on him in five seconds. He had him pinned to the wall. We walked over to him and Zacky let go after making sure he wouldn't run.

                      "Who are you people?!" Eli yelled.

                      "We happen to be Avenged Sevenfold, and we'd like to have a word with you." Shadows said. Eli was scared shitless. It was all over his face.

                    "Talk about what, and why do you have Maygen on your shoulders?" he asked while glaring at Shadows.

                         "Well you kinda told the whole motherfucking school what happened to this poor girl. I had to carry her back to school after she ran out the doors and into the woods."

                         "Yea I did so? I didn't think it'd be that big a deal. Also why in the hell is a band here? The school didn't call you guys in that's for sure." he barked.

                          "Maygen's mom contacted us saying that something horrible has happened to her, and it was her dream to meet us and go on tour with us. She gave us the school's address, and she called the school telling them we were coming to see her. They didn't care and they actually asked if we could possibly play a song or two to lighten up the mood."

                            "Like anyone's gonna listen to a heavy metal band." when that was said a whole bunch of the highschoolers in the gym came up and said they would. Eli looked down and rolled his eyes.

                                  "Guys set everything up. Maygen you're gonna sing with us."

                                 "What?! I can barely sing your songs. It's really hard. I've tried so hard to but I can't."

                                    " It's okay. You can and you're going to. i think you can do it, and you get to pick the songs." I hugged him and gave him the list of the songs I could sing well enough.

Acid Rain

Crimson Day

Unbound (Wild Ride)

Carry On


                                         "You like the old and new. Nice. You got a good taste too." he said with a smirk.

                                          "Yup I do." I chuckled.

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