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        We've been on the road for a few hours and we are all way past bored. Matt looks like he wants to shoot himself. No one else will drive, so he's been driving for about 4-5 hours. I'd offer to drive, but I know that he'd say no. I may not be old enough to drive but I sure know how to.

        Matt told everyone that we'd be at our destination in half an hour. You could hear all the guys cheer. That was probably the best news they ever hear when on this bus. Brian was so happy that he was jumping around and swinging on bars like a monkey. He's had waaaay to much sugar...

        The didn't seem to find it weird, so I am guessing this has happened before. Well it is Brian Haner so this is his normal. I went to one of the couches and layed across it. I was just getting comfortable when someone sat on my stomach. I shrieked and looked to see who I was going to murder.

        It was Zach. That little butt wipe is in for it later. I glared at him and he gave me a huge smile. I let him sit on me for a few minutes till I used all of my strength and turned to the side, and knocking him onto the floor. He turned and glared at me. I started to laugh until I felt the bus pull over. Matt came from the front and walked over to me. He then proceeded to sit on my legs. Matt told the guys to join him in squishing me. After Matt, it was Zach, Brian, Johnny, then Ryan. I have no idea how they all managed to find a place to sit on me. The weight from them all was almost unbearable. They were all laughing and cheering. They kept sitting there until I said that I couldnt breathe or feel my entire body.

        As soon as they were all off of me, I jumped on Matt's back. He tried pulling me off, but he didn't succeed.

        "Maygen please unlatch from me! I must continue driving, or we're going to be late."

        "Nope. Someone else has to drive before I let go."

        Matt seemed satisfied with that, and we both waited for one of the guys to man up and drive for a few minutes.

        "If none of you volunteer, then I'm going to pick."

        The guys started argueing about who was going to drive. They were still argueing abot it for 5 minutes, so I chimed in.

        "Ryan has todo it!"

        The rest of the guys cheered, but Ryan grumbled in defeat. He sulked past everyone and started to drive to the concert. I don't even remember where they were performing at, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

        Ryan was driving so damn slow. I went up to scold him, but then I saw that there was a huge line of cars and we were going to be here a while. I went and told Matt and he did not look very happy. We were going to be late for the show, so he had to call the place they were performing at and told them to have everyone wait a bit longer. When Matt mentioned  the traffic jam I heard the guy through the phone shout. He obviously wasn't happy.

        Matt talked to the man for a few minutes before hanging up. He slumped down onto the couch. This must not happen a lot, so it must really bug them.

        I heard Ryan say, "Aww shit!"

        "What's going on?" Matt asked.

        "Well it seems that all the cars infront of us are fans, and they all just realized that this is our bus... We're kinda fucked."

        Matt put his face in his hands and said, "We're never getting to the concert."

        I was about to mope around with him when I got an idea.

        "Guys isn't all the equipment stored in the back?"

        "Yea but why does it matter?" Zack asked.

        "Well I was thinking that you could have your concert here on the roof of the bus!"

        They thought about it for a minute and Zack yelled, "FUCK YEA!"

        They all cheered and I got squished with hugs. I would love this if I wasn't losing air. They hugged me for a minute longer then started to set stuff up. As the started hauling equipment to the top of the bus, the fans looked confused. Some people that were just trying to get through and not see the concert were cussing and honking their horns. Eventually cars were driving off the road and going around all the other cars. It was illegal but I guess they really wanted to get around and get to their destination.

        After everything was set up, Matt pulled out his phone and called that angry guy. He told him how half of the fans were causing the trafic jam and there is no way they could get through. He also told him to send all the fans that were there, here because the concert was going to be on the bus. I heard Matt tell the guy where they were, which meant that he was sending the fans here.        

        When Matt got off the phone, we plugged the amps in, and checked over all the equipment. Once everything was plugged in and ready to go, Matt spoke into the microphone.

        "We planned on having the concert at the club!" he said." But considering you guys trapped us here, we are now going to have the concert here!"

        Everyone cheered and started getting closer to the bus so they could hear better.

        "Now we are going to have to wait a little while for the fans that are at the club to get here, so they can still see a concert. We won't have to wait that long so don't get dissappoointed."

        I knew this concert was going to be awesome....


Hey guys :D Sorry it took me so long to update! I had so much writers block, and I have also been extremely busy with school. I know I don't update this a lot or very fast in general, but I'm going to try harder to. I promise! Hope you're liking the story!

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