The Rules broken down

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The next day Chris came to pick Nathan up from his apartment. Chris drove him to his estate which looked like a mansion from a distance. The went into the cobblestone drive way and went inside. The inside of the mansion looked like something out of a magazine. The walls had old pictures mixed with new ones on the walls. They went to Chris's room and sat on the satin bed.

"Nathan, we need to talk more about the rules." Chris said.

"Ok." Nathan said carefully.

"When I talked about you being mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy, I mean that you have to open to me about everything. Anything going on with you involving your health becomes my responsibility. Do you get that?" Chris explained in detail.

"This is about last night right?" Nathan asked.

"In a way yes."Chris said.

"I want to tell you every but, I don't want to scare you away. I always do." Nathan admitted shyly.

Chris scooted closer to him and wrapped his arms around him.

"Who don't you want to scare away, me or daddy?" Chris asked in a soft tone.

"Both." Nathan admitted.

"Oh baby. You don't need to be frighten. I promise you that I am going to be with you for as long as you want me to be." Chris swore as he rubbed his baby's back.

"Can we go through the rest of the rules before we get into this please?" Nathan asked as his lip started to lightly wobble.

"Ok baby. Don't cry. Please don't cry. Daddy and Chris love you very much ok." Chris said as he took a tissue to clean Nathan's tears.

Nathan nodded as he cuddled into his chest.

"Chris, can you change the rule about guys?" Nathan said when he calmed down.

"Why is that baby?" Chris asked.

"I work in a law firm full of men. And it's a tradition that if we won a case, especially a high level one we all go out for drinks. I don't want to get in trouble for that." Nathan explained.

"Are anyone of them gay?" Chris asked.

"No. Most of them are married, have been faithfully or straight singles." Nathan said.

"As long as you let me know where you are, who you are with and how long you are gone then it's fine" Chris said sternly.

"Thank you." Nathan said with a smile.

"Now, you will get an allowance of at least $1500 dollars and when you go shopping you will have a card that has about 300 hundred on it. If you go over and you do not tell me about it you will be punished. Is that fair?" Chris explained.

"But what if I tell you in advance and give you a good reason for it?" Nathan asked.

"It has to be a pretty good reason than." Chris said with a smile.

"Ok." Nathan agreed as he cuddled closer to him.

Chris played with his hair mindlessly as he held his hand with his free one.

"You're so cuddly. You love a good cuddle don't you?" Chris coed at him.

"Yes daddy." Nathan whispered in response.

"Honey, I didn't mean to spy on you but I saw on your coffee table a bottle of pills. Can you tell me what they were for?" Chris asked cautiously.

Nathan froze against him. He let out a long sigh before he buried his face in Chris's neck.

"They're- they were for my anxiety. I stopped taking them though." Nathan admitted.

"Why is that? They weren't helping you?" Chris asked.

"No they did work. But they had a small, defect." Nathan explained.

When Chris didn't say a word, Nathan elaborated more.

"They made me depressed for no reason, um they made me tired all the time. I needed to be energized and on top of things in my new firm." Nathan explained.

"Are you better with or without them?" Chris asked.

"Depends on the day I had . If it was a good day, I wouldn't have any but if I was stressed out all the time then I might have a few close calls." Nathan explained.

"Oh baby. What do I do if you have one?" Chris asked.

"I have a tendency to curl into a ball. So I guess you could say is talk to me and make me feel smaller." Nathan explained.

"Ok. Thank you baby for telling me." Chris said. "Baby, I need to ask you about sex. I remember that you told me that you are a masochist. We need to talk about your limits." Chris explained.

"I believe that I don't have any limits but the only thing I'm not ok with sexually is whippings." Nathan said.

"Good. I want you to know that I would never hurt you. Ever. You are more important than my sexual needs. If you don't feel up for sex or not in the mood than tell me. I'm not going to force you to do anything your not comfortable with. Ok." Chris explained as he rubbed Nathan's tummy.

Nathan took his hand that was on him and held it. Chris found it weird but didn't say anything about it.

"So tell me this, how did you inherit and estate and come in to so much money." Nathan asked as he played with his fingers.

"My father was very successful in his career. His company made millions but it almost died when the market crash. But some millionaire gave my father a donation and it saved him. He used the money to try and help other people who were struggling. It almost bankrupt him. But the market got a little better and we survived. He worked with several different partners and the company was able to survive for all these years. When he died, he gave everything to me. I still run the company but I just divided it up into small shops in the states." Chris explained.

"What was his company?" Nathan asked.

"Engine parts." Chris answered.

"Cool. So am I staying here?" Nathan asked.

"You can stay if you want to." Chris said as he squeezed his hand.

"Don't do that." Nathan mumbled.

"Excuse me." Chris asked since he wasn't able to hear him.

"Nothing. Just my head and-" Nathan said as his eyes slwoly closed.

"What is it?" Chris asked.

"I just don't like being squeezed." Nathan said bluntly.

"Ok. I won't squeeze you anymore ok. Relax." Chris said softly.

Nathan nodded as he nuzzled his face in his neck. They laid there in silence as they slowly touch each other and laid soft kisses on their necks and faces. Nathan has never felt his much affection in his life. He never wanted to leave the embrace. He didn't want to go back to the world that he is forced to live. He got a phone call on his phone which made him get up.He groaned when the screen read 'Tyler'. He pushed ignore and curled back against his new boyfriend.

"Who was that babe?" Chris asked.

"No one important." Nathan lied as he closed his eyes to enjoy the embrace.

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