The truth will set you free

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When they finally got out of the tub, They got dressed in boxers and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Well in their case, brunch since it was a little after noon. Nathan was a good cook so he make eggs and bacon and even homemade pancakes. They sat at the table and ate quietly. When they were cleaning up, Nathan started to quietly sing. Chris suddenly fell in love with Nathan's singing voice. He quietly applauded his boyfriend's singing before kissing him sweetly. After breakfast, they went back upstairs for more cuddling. When they got up there, Nathan plopped on the bed, trying to avoid the cum stain. Chris crawled in next to him and cuddle him close. They sat in silence with Chris playing with his hair and Nathan playing with his lovers fingers. After 30 minutes of silence, Nathan broke it.

"My father became a bully when mom died. He would get drunk than beat me. I was lucky if it was his hands but it was a rare occasion. Most of the time it was with his foot or bat or even a pan on one occasion. My mother was a nurse. She hated seeing children abused. What she would say now I don't know. One day, I was sent to the hospital again for a broken arm, thanks to dear old dad. I was only 8 at the time. A nurse asked me what happened while the doctor kept my dad busy with papers. I told her the truth and she believed me. She was able to call security and they took him away. Before they could, he lashed out and nearly killed the nurse. I went to trial and I was put in an orphanage. It was one of the best days in my life." Nathan explained honestly.

Chris was shocked to hear this. He never would have thought that someone as happy as Nathan would have had a horrible childhood. He kept quiet so that he could finish.

"I was in and out of a lot of homes. Some were good, some were bad, others I try to forget. One of them tried to have sex with me when I was 10. I was so confused and lost. My mother's gone, dad was in jail, nobody really wanted me. All I ever wanted was for someone to treat me like a family." Nathan explained. "Finally I stayed in the system until I was 18. They gave me some cash and I left. I was doing good in school and I found a supporter. His name was Jackson Bullock. He was a good man. He entered me into Yale and I went into pre law. I'm not gonna lie and say I was a virgin in college. My first boyfriend took me at 17 so I was fine. I had a lot of boyfriends. I dated a librarian. His name was Daniel and man did he take me on a ride. I was about 20 at the time he was only 31. I was studying in the library and he caught my eye. We started to check each other and one night when everyone was gone, it just happened. It was really fun. He was so, spontaneous when it came to sex. One night we both took Viagra and it was one of the the greatest night ever." Nathan said as a blush crept on his cheek as he remembered the night.

Nathan and Daniel were in the library as usual. They both just took the pills. They started to make out as clothes started to come off. It ended with Nathan face down on the table and Daniel fucking him senselessly. Nathan was screaming and moaning at the pounding. Daniel fucked Nathan against the wall and on the floor and in chairs. They were both screaming and laughing with pleasure. Nathan was on the wall, his legs around Daniel's trim waist and Daniel holding him off the ground.

"Fuck my harder Danny!" Nathan shouted as he bit into his neck.

All Daniel did was laugh as he obeyed. Nathan screamed at the force used to fuck him. When Daniel came inside of him, he placed him down and moved him doggy style to a chair.

"Yeah baby!" Daniel shouted as he spanked his ass.

"He was amazing. He loved to have a good time. He said I was first young boy. I was only a freshman at the time. When he left, he gave me one hell of a goodbye." Nathan said chuckling as he remember his last day.

Nathan and Daniel walked into the library and locked it down as usual. Right from the start, Daniel pushed him against the door and started to strip him. He took his hands and pinned them to the door. This time, Daniel took 2 Viagras and he was fired up. He rapidly fucked into Nathan as he bit in his neck.

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