The Painful Story

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Nathan stayed in his ball against Chris's chest. Chris was still in shock at the fact that his baby was raped. He wanted to kill the fucker that harmed his baby. All he could do was cradle him in his arms.

"Nathan, look at daddy." Chris said in a soft yet firm voice.

Nathan only whimpered more and buried his face inside of Chris's neck. He moved so he was straddling his waist and holding him tightly. Nathan was sobbing hysterically into his neck.

"D-daddy! I-I'm sorry! P-please daddy d-don't!" He shouted through his sobs.

"Nathan calm down and look at daddy." Chris ordered still keeping his soft voice.

Nathan stilled didn't listen. He was too caught up in his sobbing to hear him. Chris had to go to he's last resort. He took two finger apply them to the pressure points in Nathan's back. Nathan instantly froze and stopped sobbing.

"Baby, listen to daddy carefully. I'm going to take you up stairs and then we will talk. When we have this talk, I want you to look at me in the eye. Am I understood?" Chris said in a firm daddy voice in Nathan's ear as he released the pressure point.

"Daddy-I." Nathan stuttered.

"Am I understood yes or no?" Chris repeated firmly.

"Yes master." Nathan whispered.

"I'm not master right now. I may sound like him but I am not." Chris explained as he picked him up and carried him upstairs.

"I'm sorry daddy." Nathan said again slightly calmer in a whisper.

"For what honey? For leaving daddy or something else? If it is for leaving me I told you to go. Okay. I don't want to hear you apologize for that. Is daddy understood." Chris explained in his master tone but as daddy.

Nathan just snuggled closer and nodded his head slightly. Chris placed his hand under his ass and rubbed soothing circle as he walked up the rest of the stairs. Nathan was still lightly whimpering and quietly sobbing but it was not as bad as it was. Chris found a door open, which was probably the room that Nathan came out of, and went in. He placed him on the bed so he was lying on his back. Nathan was starting to squirm and fidget on the bed.

"Stop that." Chris ordered as he went to take off his jeans and shirt.

He instantly stopped and laid still. Chris picked him up again and moved him closer to the scattered pillows. Chris straddled his waist and watched him as he lightly cried. He took a tissue from the bedside table and wiped his tears.

"It's okay baby. Daddy is right here. Daddy isn't gonna let anything happen okay." Chris said as he wiped the tears.

"Daddy, hold me please." Nathan begged as he reached for him like a child would.

Chris moved him so his legs were around his waist and he moved so his back was rested on the head board. Nathan kept his hands on Chris's bare chest and his head down. Chris didn't say anything. He just stroked his hair and waited for him to speak. After 20 minutes of silence, Nathan finally spoke.

"His name was Tyler McMan. He was 29 at the time and I was just out of college so I was about 27. I advance early in college. I'm 29 now so it's didn't happen that long ago. We dated for a while and we loved the sex. One night we were talking about kids and how he wanted them from me. I told him it wasn't possible and he said that he would give me the surgery so that I could. Nice boobs so he would never go without milk. Just pump baby after baby into me whether I liked it or not. That's why I freaked the first night you brought me home and you told me about your fantasy of me being pregnant. He just got on top of me and he just raped me. He was gonna do it again so I kicked him in the nuts and grabbed my boxers and ran. There was a cop outside and I told him everything. When Tyler came outside with a gun, the cop arrested him. He kept shouting that I was a whore and a slut and I was never loved. Today in court, he just kept looking at me with this look like he won. I didn't cry though. I wanted to cry and puke but I didn't. I told them my story and that was that. He raped 9 other people before me. He was convicted to life in jail. The Judge said that if he could give him the death penalty he would. Tyler said to the court that how could they believe the lies of whores and prostitutes. He started to go for the jury who convicted him but he was tackled. He was sent to holding after that. Many people who were his victims started to cry because he could never hurt them again. I took a cab home and I wanted to call you. I wanted to tell you to come and get me and love me and make me never leave. I wanted you to punish me for leaving but I couldn't. I was going home tomorrow then I couldn't take the dream anymore alone. When I have the dreams around you you always calm me down. I'm sorry I call you so early daddy." Nathan explained as he kept his head down played with Chris's slender fingers.

Chris took his free hand and used it to pick his chin up to make Nathan look at him.

"Baby, you know that you can call daddy anytime of the day. I don't care if I'm dead in a coma, just wake me up and I'll be there for you. Okay. As your master and daddy it is my job to take care of you. I'm suppose to take care of you when you ever you need me to. When you cry, I am suppose to wipe your tears and hold you tight. When you get hurt, I am suppse to make the hurt go away. When you are in need to pleasuring, I am suppose to pleasure you. When you feel lonely, I am suppose to keep you company. I do not care the time of day or the weather. You are my baby. You are my little angel. I am suppse to take care of you. That is a daddy's and a master's job. Okay. I love you. Never forget that." Chris explained softly as he looked in Nathan's eyes.

Nathan nodded in understanding as he smiles at him. Chris goes to lightly kiss his soft and tear damp lips. Nathan kisses him back softly as he moved his arms around his neck. When they part, Nathan rubbed his cheek against Chris's cheek. Chris wrapped his arms around him tightly. Natha buried his face in his neck as he allowed his back to be rubbed. Chris placed his chin ontop of Nathan's head.

"My good little boy. You're my little baby boy. You're such a good boy for daddy. You were so brave to go before the jury. You are daddy's brave boy. Daddy loves you so much." Chris coed to him softly as he rubbed his cheek against his hair.

Nathan beamed at the praise he was receiveing. Nathan looked up to him and moved so Chris's chin was off his head. He kissed all over his face and gave him soft eskimo kisses.

"You are daddy's sweet little baby." Chris said soflty as he returned the eskimo kiss.

Nathan reached for the band of his boxers and fumbled with it teasingly. Nathan got off his lap and moved to nuzzle his cock with his mouth. He stroked him with his hand and started to rub his hips.

"Nat, you don't have to do this." Chris said softly.

"I want to daddy. Please." Nathan begged as he looekd up at him with a pleading look.

"Okay. Only if you want to." Chris said.

Nathan gently pulled out his cock. He took the head gently into his mouth and suckled on the head mindlessly. He didn't suck it with a vice but enough to sooth his nerves. He wrapped his arms around his hips as he suck on the thick cock. Chris doesn't look for his own releash. He simply just stroked his hair and encourage him by using his words and kissing his head. Finally after 5 minutes, Chirs finally came deep in his throat. Nathan didn't let his cock go until it was dry as a bone. He slowly lets it slip from his mouth and nuzzled into his hip and moved his arms to wrap around his thigh. Chris's cock twitch every so often when Nathan's breath kept hitting it. Chris stroked his hair to sooth the slightly throbbing pain from his pulling and tugging. He was slightly worried when Nathan didn't come up to him for his usual cuddle. He didn't say anything and hoped that he would come up when he was ready. As if Nathan read his mind, He scooted closer to him and snuggled into his chest. Chris wrapped his arms around him and wrapped the blankets so he was in a make-shift cocoon.

"Sleep well my baby. Daddy loves you." Chris said as he kissed his cheek.

"Night papi." Nathan said as he fell asleep.

Chris soon followed after him into the land of dreams, holding him tightly.

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