The morning after

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When Nathan woke up, he found himself wrapped tightly in Chris arms. He buried himself deeper in his arms. He felt Chris's hand roaming his naked body squeezing his ass cheek every so often. Nathan giggled at the squeezing as he tried to squirm out of his hands. All of his giggling and squirming woke Chris up. He fell in love with Nathan's laughter.

"Good morning baby." Chris said in a thick voice due to his tiredness.

"Morning Papi." Nathan said as he kissed his cheek.

"You sleep good?" Chris asked.

Nathan nodded with a hum. He snuggles close to Chirs as he buried his face in his shoulder.

"Yes." Nathan said as he kissed his neck repeatedly.

"What has you in a kisses mode?" Chris aske curousily as he rubbed Nathan's shoulder.

"Nothing daddy. I just, I always dreamed about having someone to love." Nathan admitted with blush.

"Aw. I'm glad I have someone to love too." Chirs said.

Nathan knew that he had to tell Chris the truth about his exs eventually. But it put the fear of God in him to admit that to him. After laying there on the bed for about a good 10 minutes, he started to speak up.

"My mother died when I was 5 years old. Drunk driver. Killed on impact. She worked in a hosptial and she was walking home. The hosptial wasn't far from the house. She was walking across the street and, boom. She was about 29 maybe 30. He was sentence to 50 years. He is probably still in jail. I was too young to know any better." Nathan explained in a somewhat nonchalantly.

Chris was taken back by surpise by Nathan's words. The topic of family was not really brought up in their chats online. He held Nathan tighter in his arms before kissign his temple.

"I'm sorry baby." Chris said trying to keep this tone of voice even.

"It's cool. I wanted to tell you something of why I'm like this." Nathan admitted.

"Baby, you know daddy didn't mean to rush you into tell me anything." Chris said thinking that he pushed Nathan.

"No no no daddy. I wanted to. You have a right to know." Nathan explained before his phone rang loudly.

He turned over to see who it was and gasped to see who it was. His father. He didn't know to answer it or ignore it. Chris could see who physically panicked he was. He sat up and sat behind him.

"Who is it baby?" Chris asked, maintaining the calm voice from the conversation.

"My father." Nathan said in a soft voice.

"You don't have to answer it baby. You can simply not answer it." Chris explained to smooth him.

"Daddy." Nathan whispered sadly.

Chris shushed him quietly as he took the phone from his hands, and pushed ignored. He has never heard Nathan sound so weak. He got off the bed and kneeled in front of Nathan.

"Honey, breath." Chris said as he heard Nathan's labored breathing.

Nathan breathing became shallow. He shook his head, trying to forget everything. Chris grabbed his head firmly to try to keep him focus.

"Stop it! I'll be good! Please stop!" Nathan screamed in fear as he tried to get away from Chris.

"Nathan looked at me!" Chris ordered in a firm tone.

Nathan froze and tried to stop crying. He swallowed thickly as he looked at Chris.

"Baby, where are you?" Chris asked.

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