Chapter 49

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She quietly hummed to herself as she pulled out all of the snacks she'd gotten for the sleepover. It was still a full day away but she was too excited to not prepare already.

Lauren had warned her not to get too much food of her tummy would hurt but Ava couldn't help herself. She wasn't sure what Everly liked so she got a bit of everything. Most of it would probably go unopened, but she could put the rest in the cupboard for someone else to take.

She couldn't quite decide in what room to hold the sleepover. Should it be in the bedroom? Or central living room? Practically every room on the upper floors had a TV, including one with a very large one and comfortable seats in front of it.

Maybe she could ask Everly what she preferred, that'd be a good idea. But that left Ava with nothing more to do for the sleepover. She could do some more chores, even if she was already done with them for the day.

She knew the garden path hadn't been swept in a while. It was Mr. Olson's job to do so but maybe he'd forgotten. The sun hadn't appeared yet today and a cool breeze swept over the garden as she set to work.

It wasn't a hard task, and she made good progress until she'd almost reached the end of the main path and a pair of feet came into sight.

"What are you doing?"

The man's snarky voice was enough to make all hairs on her neck stand up and she couldn't help but take a step back. "Sweeping the path, sir."

"Why did it take you so long to do so? Look at it! It's full of dirt and leaves! It never should've gotten to this point at all."

"But..." she stammered before stopping herself. She was sure the man wouldn't take well to being talked back to but the fire in his eyes already told her it was too late.

"But?" he snarled.

"It's actually your task to maintain the garden, path included," she said barely above a whisper, knowing this was headed in the wrong direction.

"You are telling me how to do my job now? Just because you're Mr. Chastain's whore you think you can boss around the staff that outranks you? Is that it?"

"N-No, I—" she stammered, tears already prickling at the corner of her eyes. She had no idea how this conversation had suddenly gone this way.

"Because you do realize that's what you are, right? I've seen it before. Young maids wanting to make a quick fortune. Fucking the master of the estate when his wife isn't looking. Now, Mr. Chastain doesn't have a wife, but you can bet he's got another one of you with him right now," he spat, voice full of contempt.

"Please stop."

Tears now ran freely down her face as the words hit her like knives. She wished he'd just stop and leave her alone, but he continued.

"Can't handle the truth, little brat? How about I give him a call, huh? Let's see how much he cares about you when he hears how you're acting bratty in his absence."

A sob escaped Ava's mouth as he turned on his heel to head back to the estate. How dare he say things like that to her? Sébastien had told her he loved her, she didn't have anything to worry about.


She hadn't heard from him for a few days now but that was because he was busy.


No, she thought, Sébastien will tell him. He will.

She threw the broom into the grass out of frustration. Why didn't she say anything back? Why did she just stand there and take it all?

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