Time starts now

325 12 0

In the dungeon

We see four people walking to the 25th floor of the dungeon, known as the Water City.

"(Bell-kun, said that these time rifts were appearing on the lower floors and that we needed to patch them up.)"

Thought by an orange-haired elf, as she slashed some sirens that were going their way.

"(Bell-kun and Bete-san, made a pact to team up but.)"

She thinks as she glances at the wolf and rabbit who were both "accidently" hitting each other as they destroy some blue crabs.

"(It's not the friendliest.)"

The elf sweat dropped as she continued watching their little fight.

"So where are these time rifts?"

A black-haired elf asked, gaining everyone's attention.

"Hm, oh the one we saw was appearing around the top of that waterfall."

The white-haired ghost pointed at the top of the waterfall, showing a black rift which seemed to be trying to suck something.

"When we saw it, I asked Alise and Hayato to go contact the other two-time guardians but Hayato had other plans and went in."

He said as he sighed from recalling the memory of a small wind spirit going through a time rift.

"Isn't that dangerous?"

Lefiya asked worriedly.

"Oh don't worry about him, he'll be fine."

Bell said.

"But are you really gonna come?"

Bete said.


"We're going somewhere that isn't in the boundary of life and death. If you die there, then you're dead."

"We're going to fight something different from dungeon monsters."

"And it's not like you have any spiritual powers like the Exorcist here or were given an ability like me."

Bete said, glancing at Filvis, who remained silent and holding out his watch.

"So are you really gonna come?"

He asked.

"... Yes, I want to help. I've gotten stronger. I can help out!"

Lefiya said as she helped the grip of her sword tighter.

"... Whatever."

Bete said as he looked up at the rift.

"Besides, if something is after Lefiya, I'll protect her."

Bell said appearing behind Lefiya and hugging her, which made Lefiya blush and Bete click his tongue.

"Now that's done with,how do we-"

Before Filvis could finish her sentence, Bete jumped to the top of the water to enter the time rift.

"*sigh* How exactly are we supposed to jump that high?"

Filvis asked both her and Lefiya couldn't jump the high, and climbing wasn't an option.

"Hmm, Oh I know!"

Bell snapped his fingers as his wisp clang to both elves' backs.

"Orion, Themis float them up please!"

As he commands his tsueshiro, they both abide by his command and start carrying both elves to the rift.


Dungeon-bound Bell-kunWhere stories live. Discover now