How it began

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-example- means the person is speaking in their head

"Example" means the person is speaking aloud

Izuku's pov:

-It was only a few weeks after third year started, and kacchan and his friends haven't bullied me yet-

I wondered about this for awhile as I was walking home from school. Because of an accident that acured we were all sent home for a few days while they started rebuilding. It was a villain attack, though the villain wasn't on school grounds, their quirk hit our school trying to attack a hero, the villain was caught.

It's been a few days already and I've just been doing "homework" the school assigned for the students to do in the mean time, the work wasn't too much and wasn't that hard so it was fine. My mother was at work so I was home alone.

An hour went by and I heard a knock on the front door, I didn't answer because my mother doesn't want me to answere the door when I'm home alone, for my safety.

The knocks stopped and I heard yelling


it was kachan, I went downstairs and headed to the door. I hesitated before deciding to open the door to see kachan and his friends...

(Author: I don't know their names so uh- imma call them....hmm... Stupid 1 and stupid 2, you can decide which is which)

"Finally, what took you so long nerd" -katsuki

"W-what- are three doing here..?" -Izuku

"... we are here to... apologize to you..." -stupid 1

"Yeah- that.." -stupid 2

"What? I don't und-" -izuku starts but was interupted.

"We're sorry! Ok deku.. we're sorry for what we did over the years" -katsuki

"It wasn't right for us to that to you just because your quirkless..." -stupid 2

"From now on, we won't bother you anymore and won't make fun of you" -stupid 1

"We know it'll take time for you to forgive us, you might never will and th-" -stupid 1

"I forgive you all" -izuku said quickly

The three were shocked I forgave them so easily, but if I'm being honest I'm really only forgiving kachan

"Great! Cya de-midoriya!" -stupid 1 & 2 said before running off. I thought that was a little odd but I didn't care at the moment.

Kacchan stayed and explained that even though I forgive him, he wants to make it up to me and would do his best to make me happy.

Soon enough, the school was repaired and students were allowed to go back to classes. The school year was great, not being bullied, kacchan finally being the friend I wanted him to be towards me and I was happy. There were a few people who would say something of course but then later on in the day, they would avoid me. I thought it was strange but I didn't want to get to far into it and just wanted to get the year over with.

(Author: this is probably cringe not gonna lie- but whatever I don't care.)

Word count=514

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