Truth or dare

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"Let's play a game!~" mine says.

No one's pov:

"What game?" Tsu asks.

"Truth or dare~ duh!" Mina exclaims.

Everyone seemed ok with it, though Bakugou didn't want to join he still did.

Everyone sat in a circle, Bakugou and midoriya were across from eachother.
Todoroki and Ochako sat beside midoriya and Tsu was on Ochako's other side and blah blah blah.

"Ok! Let's start~ denki truth or dare!" Mina says with a smile on her face.

"Uh- dare-" he replies.

"I dare you to yell on the top of your lungs 'IM A RACCOON' the minute we go back to class in a few days" she says.

"Easy! Want me to dress as one too?" He says laughing a bit. Mina definitely agreed and so his dare was set, now he just has to wait until we all go back to classes.

"Alright, uh- Uraraka, truth or dare?" He asks.

"Hmm truth!" She replied.

Denki thinks for a bit before he asks her a question.

"Who. In class A. Is your-" he looks at mina then continues.
"Favorite person!" He finishes. Mina looks a bit angry about that, she would have wanted to know if uraraka had a crush.

"Easy, deku! I love all my friends but he's inspired me the most!" She says with a smile. Todoroki and Tsu are fine with the answere.

"Kirishima tru-" Ochako goes to say but the apartment door opens.

"I'll be back, I'm going to go help my mom" Izuku states, getting up and leaving. The group continues on with there game.

Izuku's pov:

I walk over to my mom and help her with the bags.

"You could have texted me to come help bring the bags up mom"

"Don't worry hunny, it's just a few bags" she says.

"But if you could go get the last bag from the car then you can, it's just a few things for you. I'll bring the bags of clothes to my room" she continued.

"Alright" I say, as I head out to the car.

When I get to the car I open the door and grab the last bag then close the door again. I head back up to our apartment and I put the bag in my room since my mom said it was for me, but I'll leave it for now and head back to my friends. Though when I turn around to leave my room, kacchan is standing at the door. Before I say anything he comes in and closes the door. I look at him confused.

"I was dared to stay in a room with you, since you know, everyone thinks that even though we are 'somewhat friends' I still want to kill you" he says smirking.

"Little do they know, this just gives us alone time~" he whispers, getting closer.

"Now kiss me" he says. I laugh a bit at this but I do as told. I give him a kiss, only on the cheek to mess with him.

"On my lips you fucking idiot" he says.

"Oh sorry, you didn't specify the first time" I say rolling my eyes.

"Don't fucking roll your eyes at me nerd" he says, getting closer to me to get a proper kiss. And when he does so, I allow it. He's so needy and calls me the needy one.

Kacchan broke the kiss not long after he initiated it.

"That's how you kiss your fucking boyfriend" he says. I just look at him and smile, and when I do, he does aswell. I love when kacchan smiles. And then I remembered, our friends are in the living room, so I decide to tease kacchan to make it seem like everything is normal to them.

"I don't know- I would have thought if you kiss your boyfriend it'd be good" I say, looking directly into his eyes.

"WHAT!?" he yells.

"Yeah, that wasn't a very good kiss kacchan" I replied.

"You little fucker!" He yelled again.

I quickly run past him and open my door, running out.

The others are laughing because this is their normal, I'm laughing though because my mom heard him swearing.

"Sh sh" I say, sitting down.

"Katsuki! Watch your language" my mom says coming out from her room.

"Sorry aunty-" he apologizes, glaring at me as I snicker. Our friends join in on the small laughter as he got in trouble for swearing and apologized.

"Good, is anyone hungry?" She asks us, heading into the kitchen.

Since we are, we tell her so.

"Your mom is so pretty!" Mina says.
"Now I see where you get your cuteness from!!" She squeals. She then gasps.
"Do you think she can show me your baby pictures!??" She says excitedly.

"Uh-" I go to reply but I'm interupted.

"Ahh I want to see too!" Ochako agrees with mina.

"Let's go ask!" Mina says getting up with Ochako and she dragged Tsu along.

"Wait-!?" I say, getting up to leave but then the others say they wanted me to stay to continue the game. So I stayed.

The game continued and then my turn came to choose between truth or dare.

"Truth" I say, I don't really want to know what I'd be dared to do.

"Do you have a crush?" Denki asked.

Not really, as I'm in a relationship with someone, he was my crush but does that still count if we're dating-?

"Uh- yeah-?" I reply.

"Really!? I never would have thought! I only asked because someone told me you had one and I thought it was wrong" denki says.

"I don't know who told you that but I mean they're not wrong, did they say who?"

"No, just that you have a crush on someone, it was completely random!" He states.

"Uh ok? Well I do have a crush on someone but their in a relationship" I say. I'm not lying, he is In a relationship, just with me and they don't know that.

"Oh sorry dude" Kirishima says.

"Ah it's alright, I'm not upset over it" I say, again telling the truth. Since I'm happy with kacchan.

Words: 1019

I've written a good amount yesterday and even wrote today for this book. If you go to my other "book" called explanations or if you have, it explains what happened to my other book called "I'll give you the world"

I won't make you go read all that unless you want to because I can sum it up here. If you want the full explanation then I suggest you do go read that page.

I'll be re-writing my second book "I'll give you the world" to hopefully make it better and fix a few things aswell as adding in a few things.

Since I've written a good amount in a short while for this book I will start the re-write for the second book. I'll write one chapter but if I have enough time or just am capable of writing more I'll write the second chapter too. But I will have the re-write of the first chapter posted today and I know that. Any other chapter if posted today was because I had time and my brain still worked.

I can't promise more then one chapter because not only do I need time, I'm also a bit sick right now, causing me to be a bit tired and I have a quiz today.

I hope your enjoying this book (secret is out) and I'm glad I brought it back. For those who were enjoying the second book, again, I am re-writing it and it will be back with atleast one chapter by tonight.

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