hugs and kisses

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The two boys finished their last few days in school before holiday break came and had spent time with their parents before they would leave to go on their annual trip.

The Midoriya's went over to katsuki's house and knocked on the door. Mitsuki opens the door and pulls Inko and Izuku into a hug.

"A-auntie- can't..breath-" Izuku says whilst being *cough* strangled *cough cough*.... hugged by Mitsuki. She lets them both go and allows them to enter the house.

"It's so good to see you Izuku, it's been awhile!" Mistuki says, with her hands on her hips.

"Yeah, it has" Izuku says.

"Where's Masaru and Katsuki?" Inko asks. As Masaru walks past with a bag in hand.

"Oh the boys are just bringing bags out to the car" Mitsuki explains.

Izuku's pov:
A few minutes later we we're sitting on the couch talking about how I've been and school. And a bit about how kacchan is in school. Kacchan walks past carrying out a bag which I'm assuming is his bag of stuff for the trip. Kacchan and his dad walk into the living room and sit down, our parents getting into a conversation and kacchan is on his phone.

I get a text message and it's from kacchan.

{I've missed you - k

{Can't wait till we're alone and I can finally hug you and smother you with kisses - k

I start to blush at the message and go to reply but he starts typing.

{You're already blushing, how pathetic. Nerd. - k

{Your the one saying your going to hug and kiss me as soon as we're alone! - I reply

We we're going to continue to text but our parents said we were going to start heading to where we needed to be so we got up and headed outside. Katsuki going with his parents in his car and I going with my mom in her car. Kacchan and I did continue to text throughout the car ride but he knew I was going to fall asleep as I usually do during long car rides. So he texted me saying "I love you, rest well~ nerd" and I of course responded saying I love him aswell before going to sleep.

Next thing I know, I wake up from my mom telling me we've arrived and I look out the window to see the hotel we always go to every year. Kacchan and I are always sharing rooms. Though I still think about before we dated. It was odd, he'd tell me to sleep on the couch in the room but I'd wake up on the bed? I didn't understand that and still don't. Kacchan never said anything about it and I don't really mind it, it's just a question. Though for the two previous years, we've shared the bed seeing as though we are together, our parents don't know that though.

I get out of the car and start taking things out of the trunk. I grab my bag and my mom's and head to the hotel door where kacchan and his parents are standing, waiting for us.

We get our rooms and unpack, I gave my mom her bag before she went into her room.

The door closed and kacchan came up from behind me to hug me while I was putting my bag down on a chair in the room and he leaned in on my side to be able to kiss my cheek.

I turn around in his arms to face him and I hug him back. We stood their a little while longer before I looked up at him, and he immediately kissed me.

Word count: 612

Welp, I did do another chapter today! :) It's not as long and was probably rushed but like I'm tired soooo yeah. You get what you get. Imma head off to bed now! Good night! Or good morning/afternoon..

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