how it began part 3 (last part)

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This chapter is slightly longer
Warnings: light swearing (not much but there is some, I mean, it's Bakugou what do you expect)

No one's pov:

Katsuki still sitting on izuku's bed, trying to understand everything and not lash out on him because now he knows it wasn't his fault and knows Izuku didn't want to avoid him.
Izuku who hadn't finished his sentence was starting to get a little embarrassed and flustered, was sitting next to katsuki.

"Kacchan...all might wanted me to stay away from you not only because we're friends but it's also because i-" Izuku started and sighed, trying to gain the confidence to not only explain but to confess aswell.
"I have feelings for you kacchan..." Izuku finally said, katsuki turns his head to face Izuku with a shocked expression. Katsuki has had a crush on Izuku but never knew how to deal with it properly, so hearing this makes him happy but he's shocked Izuku likes him back after everything he's done. Sure he stopped the bullying and tried his best to be a good friend to Izuku and had wished Izuku had liked him but he didn't think it could happen and he most definitely didn't think it should.

"I didn't want to say anything because we are finally you know, friends and I didn't want too ruin it but now with this situation it's just- better you knew especially when it's a reason all might doesn't want me t-" Izuku was cut off by katsuki's lips. He may think he doesn't deserve Izuku but he wanted to take his chance. Izuku didn't take long to kiss katsuki back.

After a minute they broke the kiss and Katsuki couldn't help but smile. It wasn't evil looking or because he was being mean, it was a genuine smile for Izuku.

"I don't care what he says, you aren't leaving me Izuku"

Izuku has heard katsuki call him by his name many times after they became friends (he still calls him deku from time to time) but hearing it now after the kiss and his confession makes him blush alot.

"Be my boyfriend Izuku" katsuki says, implying he likes him back (he kissed Izuku, I think it's pretty clear) and 'demanding' he becomes his boyfriend but Izuku knows he's 'asking'

"All might can go dig himself a hole to rot in, and from now on I'm going with you to your training to make sure he keeps his mouth shut" katsuki explains.

"Ok" is all Izuku says and smiles, making katsuki smile again aswell.

The rest of the summer was spent going on dates, katsuki accompanying Izuku to his training which all might did not like at all and Katsuki made it very clear that he and Izuku were dating and that it would stay that way wether all might liked it or not.

Katsuki became over protective and possessive over Izuku. All might didn't ease down with the training and would yell at Izuku if he didn't do well or get where he needed to be on time. Katsuki also had to witness Izuku breaking his bones when using his quirk so when recovery girl healed Izuku, katsuki would call it a day and take Izuku home, frustrating all might. (All might had recovery girl heal Izuku at there training site. She didn't mind but she didn't like how all might was treating the poor boy.)

Katsuki explained that he wanted to tell the world Izuku was his but couldn't because he was afraid of how his parents would react, they never really showed...acceptence to the LGBTQ+ community

(Author's note: I am not saying they don't but in my book this is how it is, no I am not homophobic as I am writing a gay fan book, clearly, not only that but I myself is part of the LGBTQ+ though I don't feel like putting a label on it so don't ask please...)

Izuku understood and told katsuki he wouldn't tell his mom either, she knows Izuku is gay but. He didn't want to tell her he was dating katsuki because she would tell Mitsuki. Katsuki said in a while they can tell Inko and explain they don't want katsuki's parents to know but in the mean time they won't say anything. The only one who knows is all might but he doesn't speak with either of their parents (author: thank god, we all know my all might is mean so he'd probably tattle)

Summer ended and they went to their last year in middle school. They'd study together, work on their homework together as they did the year before and continued to train with all might...

Before they knew it the year was over and they took their entrance exam..

The boys we're in izuku's room ready to open their letters. They had waited for the both of them to get their letters before opening them so they could do it together. The slowly open their letters and...

Word count: 835

Author: I am so sorry I haven't written in a little while. And didn't let you know why, my reasoning is just because I've been busy with family (spending time with them of course) right now is my summer vacation so we've been going to parks and my grandparents alot since we're out of school. I will have to say that when school starts back up for me I might not write as much? I'll try but like homework, tests, blah blah blah school stuff you know? But that's not until September so, it doesn't matter right now. Basically I'm just saying that if I don't write much during the week it's because we are doing summer things or hanging out with friends on vc (video call)

Also another note, word count is for the chapter (including notes I make during the chapter) it doesn't include the notes at the end of the chapter. Also I know, I rushed the ending, I had too

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