Chaotic and Free

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No one's pov:

It's been about two months and everything was....well they though things were fine. Valentine's day was coming up and people were asking others to be their date.

That was fine.

People asked katsuki to be their Valentine, he declined, after yelling insults at then-

Izuku was also asked but he declined respectfully, awkwardly.

Sure katsuki got jealous easily but that isn't what has him angry this morning. It was the fact that Todoroki asked Izuku to be his valentine. Awhile back, he confessed to Izuku after finding out he had a 'crush' to get it off his chest and shoot his shot?

Todoroki thought that since it's been about two months, almost, he would ask again since he still had feelings for the green haired boy. And what's worse, he asked Izuku Infront of everybody, Infront of Katsuki.

"What!?" Izuku gets out, confused and embarrassed.

"Well you are still single and I figured maybe you might not like that person anymore?" Todoroki says, unsure.

"Maybe you'd give me a chance?" He continued. Izuku didn't know what to say, he's rejected others before but this is a close friend, what and how was he supposed to react? Reject?

Katsuki on the other hand, knew how to react. He was angry, eyes burning red and hands clenched. If it were any other, he'd react differently. Angry but differently. But this is someone close to his boyfriend, someone he knew genuinely liked Izuku and even asked him to go out with him at izuku's door, WHILE KATSUKI WAS IN THE NEXT ROOM.

Izuku's friend group cam make katsuki jealous easily, specifically Todoroki. He used to get jealous of ochako because he knew she liked Izuku, but she isn't the one who confessed and asked our Izuku, nor is she asking Izuku to be her Valentine. But Todoroki? Todoroki makes katsuki's blood boil. He hates the guy, hates him more now too.

Mina saw this and gave a nervous look, she knew how angry katsuki would be but didn't want to get in his way. She knew how uncomfortable Izuku was...she can do something about that.

"Uh- HEY midobabes, I was looking for youu~" mina says, skipping to Izuku and grabs his arm.

"I went around you know, gossiping and guess what I found out~" she says, with a proud face.

"Ashido I am tryi-" Todoroki goes to speak but is interupted.

"I found out your crush is SINGLE" she starts off with a regular time, then yelled.

"Eeeehh and I heard he might be into you~!!!" She said with a huge smile. Making Izuku blush because he knows Mina is giving a distraction but he blushes because now he's thinking back to when he found out katsuki liked him back, almost like a flashback.

"Come come! You should totally ask him to be your Valentine! I'll help you look the part don't worry" Mina says confidently. Pulling Izuku away from Todoroki.

Katsuki watched the whole thing and mentally thanked Mina for doing something before he blew something up. And everyone else who was in the room was confused, shocked or didn't know how to react. Though Todoroki was a little devastated.

Not even half nn hour later, Izuku is stuck with a kacchan latched onto him, not letting go and a Mina who is trying to help Izuku cheer up the said clingy kacchan.

"Kacchan it's alright- Mina helped with both our issues" Izuku says, holding one of Katsuki's hand in his. Katsuki is sitting behind Izuku with Izuku sitting in between Katsuki's legs. He is slumping on izuku's shoulder and is definitely not happy.

"Bakubabes, there's nothing to be upset about, Izu would never accept anyone else other then you, you know that" Mina tries to change Katsuki's mood.

There's a silence for awhile before a quiet soft sniffle can be heard, katsuki was..crying? This is serious. Katsuki doesn't cry, and if he had it was Infront of Izuku about his parents, or his concern for izuku's safety. Now Mina sees him in this state.

Why was he even crying? He was angry? No it's more then that. Recently katsuki has overheard the 'dekusquad' encourage Todoroki to ask our Izuku, he may not have been jealous that alot of other people have also asked Izuku to be their Valentine but secretly, maybe it did affect him? That's not all though. Katsuki wants so badly to kiss Izuku on front of EVERYONE and tell them to fuck off, that Izuku was his boyfriend and will always be his boyfriend, well untill they get married. That's not the point. He hates that Todoroki still tries but he can't be all to blame, no one in school except mina knows he and Izuku are together. But he was scared? And for what reason? At first it was fear that his parents would find out if his friends and the school knew but his parents know now, and everything with them is fine. So what is he afraid of? Izuku basically came out to their friends and no one said anything, mina knows so what's the problem?

"Kacchan- then just tell them" Izuku speaks out, katsuki said all that in a rant out loud. He looked up from izuku's shoulder and looked at him.


"Izuku is right, and there's nothing to be afraid of, they'll still love you like I do" Mina agreed, giving him a smile.

"Even if they don't, even if some people will be upset about it, that's they're issue not ours. We are allowed to be happy, allowed to be happy together" Izuku says, squeezing katsuki's hand just a bit.

"And I'll always love you, only you. I won't want anyone else" he continued.

"But I promise, everything will be fine"

The next day, everything went normally other then Izuku avoiding Todoroki. Mina helped with that. And then just like that the day was over. The three decided to have a 'sleepover' in katsuki's dorm, they brought mina's mattress into his and Mina brought a few things with her. Activities to do. They had fun, watching a movie, eating snacks, talking with Mina, and more. They did this to help katsuki relax for tomorrow, because tomorrow on Valentine's day, a secret would be told. The two would be able to act like the couple they are without having to hide from their class.

Valentine's morning, almost everyone was in the lounging room for the 'party' and that's when Mina walked in with the biggest smile on her face and a couple walking behind her. Izuku and katsuki holding hands as they walk down the hall towards the lounge behind Mina, smiling. Confusion and shock came across the others and even more so when katsuki and Izuku says together on the couch, katsuki holding Izuku close nuzzled in izuku's head of hair.

"" jiro says. Others also wondering.

Izuku gave her a smile. "This is why I turned everyone down"

"Three years fucktards, he's mine" katsuki says with a smirk.

And with that, the secret was finally out to everyone. No more having to hide, no more faking. And no more weight hanging over their shoulders. Friends questioning them and they gladly answer. They are accepted and even better, Todoroki understands and told katsuki he won't try anything anymore. They actually get along more then you'd think now. They are so thankful for mona aswell for keeping their secret for them, for being such a good friend and being there for them.

Everyone now gets to see a different side of katsuki, it's as if he's friendlier?
Izuku really does change Katsuki's mood.

They are both so much happier with the truth out. What will happen now?

The end
Words: 1294

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