Chapter 2. June 8, 2013, 2 days before

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Time, the most precious thing in the world, the thing that we don't have much of slips away before your eyes in a place exactly like our world, except time is different there and the only way to get to that place is through a natural cause called the time warp. The time warp is well... a warp that travels through space and time, and is some phenomenon that changes the flow of time, but is nothing like A Wrinkle in Time, this is real not fiction. A time warp is very rare to occur; it almost never happens, but I guess my friends and I were just lucky enough to witness a time warp on June 10, 2013.

This event happened when I was just 14 years of age. It was the last day of school, 2 days before the 10th. My friends and I were planning everything we wanted to do during those 2 and a half months of summer break, but life doesn't go the way you plan.

"Just a few more seconds till the bell rings," said my friend Asfary. Asfary has brown eyes and brown hair, she has a golden necklace and is absolutely stunning. She has 3 beautiful bracelets on her right arm and a smile that is contagious and makes you want to smile even if you're having a terrible day. She is by far the best friend I could ever ask for. "Thank God," replied Matthew, looking up at the clock. Matthew has dark brown hair and brown eyes. My other friend doesn't talk very much, her name is Alexis, she has red hair, and brown eyes. She is known as the quiet kid in our squad and is partially new here. She had been here for about 2 months and had no friends, so we asked her if she wanted to be in our friend group and she gladly accepted. Now she just follows us around everywhere we go and when she does speak it usually means that we are endangered and are about to die, so she almost never speaks.

The bell of freedom finally rang at 3:00, and it was the beginning of the first day of Summer break. Kids were screaming for joy and making plans with their friends as they walked out of the school building. "What do you want to do first?" Asked Asfary, grabbing my hand. "I don't
know, it's Summer, where do we begin?" I replied with a big smile on my face. "I know what I'm going to do," said Matthew, running to catch up with Asfary and I. "And what's that?" I asked,
looking at him as if I already knew the answer. "Play video games night till day," replied Matthew.
Asfary and I scoffed and rolled our eyes. "That's what you already do," I said, laughing. "No, it's not," he said in a tone that sounded a lot like he was lying. "Where's Alexis?" I asked, changing the subject. Asfary cleared her throat, tapped me on the shoulder and pointed behind us. I turned around and saw Alexis with her hands in her pockets walking very slowly with each step.

"Why is she so far behind?" I asked. "Alexis!" Yelled Asfary. Alexis's head shot up and Asfary yelled again saying, "come on, hurry up!" Alexis ran towards us as fast as her legs could carry her and caught up to us.
The rest of the walk home was pretty boring, we just talked the whole time about what we wanted to do on the first day of Summer and none of us came up with anything, and it was dead silent for more than 4 minutes, until I broke the silence saying, "Hey, do you guys want to go to the pool, it's a nice hot day for that. "Nah, maybe later," said Matthew. "I got to get home, my mom probably has dinner ready."
"At 3:45?" I asked, curesley. "Is it really 3:45? Wow I thought it was way later than that, man I wish time went faster." I shook my head and said, "be careful what you wish for, time is all you have until it's gone," I said, pointing at him with a serious face. "Whatever," he said, rolling his eyes.

Alexis waved good-bye and so did I. Asfary hugged me, tighter than she has ever hugged me before and said with a flirtatious tone, "see you tomorrow." I smiled and said, "see you tomorrow." She released the hug, curled her lips and walked away.

As I opened my door my brother, Noah, was standing right on the other side of it with his arms crossed and a mischievous smile on his face, as if he saw everything that happened between Asfary and I. "Is that your girlfriend?" He asked in a playful but teasing tone. "No, she's not, we're just friends."
"Well, based on that hug, I think she sees you as more than just a friend."
"You think so?"
"I know so, Simon, that girl has the hots for you." I laughed and said, "I doubt it, she's just trying to be nice."
"So young, so naive," said Noah, shaking his head.

I too shook my head and walked away. "Just remember," he said, turning around to face me. "Time is short, and Lost time is never found again." I nodded my head, turned around and walked away again.

"Hey, hun, how was your last day of school?" Asked my mom. "It was good," I said with a smile. She nodded as I threw my backpack on the couch and turned on the TV. The first day of Summer is always pretty boring, but the next couple of days were really fun, I just didn't expect the unexpected.


The first couple of chapters are going to be pretty boring, but it gets better I hope you guys like the story and if you are then don't forget to vote and follow me.

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