Chapter 5. June 10, 2013 Around 8:00 AM

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I woke up to a loud crash and my mom cursing. What a good way to start the day, am I right? I rolled out of bed and got dressed for the day.  As I went to the kitchen to grab something to eat, I saw my mom cleaning up broken glass. She looked really crossed, so I didn't bother talking to her and just left her alone. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and went right to the TV

Almost as if I was on a hidden camera show, there  was a knock on the door as soon as I finished the last bite of my cereal, or it was just an incredible coincidence. I placed the bowl down, paused my show and went to open the door.

As I opened the door, Asfary stood on the other side of it, just as I hoped. She looked just as beautiful as any other day, her hair was neatly combed down to her shoulders, red lip gloss so thick that you couldn't tell if her lips were real or fake, and a braid across her forehead with two white flowers between the braids. It's hard to explain, but she was stunning. 

        "Hey," she said, curling her red lips. I stood there just looking at her like an idiot and the moment I started talking I wished time would have sped up. "H-hi, hey, um..." I blanked out for a few seconds, but I remember just saying random shit and not knowing what the hell I was saying. Asfary couldn't keep a straight face and kissed me to shut me up.

As our lips parted she smiled and then said, "follow me." I looked at her confused and as she started walking away I asked, "where are we going?"
"It's a secret," she called back. To be honest I didn't think she even knew where she was going, but like any 14 year old I gave in to the temptation of following a beautiful girl to some secret place.

I hated the way this was heading, it was silent the whole time. "Are we there yet?" I asked impatiently.  "Yes, we're here." I looked all around us and then said in a confused voice, "where are we, exactly?" 
"Can't you see it, Simon?" I shake my head, look at her and ask, "have you been taking drugs at all? Because I think you're hallucinating." 

She gave me "the look" and then pointed to a mansion located on the top of a mountain. "What about it?" I asked, looking back at Asfary. She smiled again and then said, "we're going up there today with the others, bring a camera and we leave at 12:45, so we will get there around 1:00."
"Awright," I said, nodding my head. "Perfect, let's go tell the others." 

We walked back and told the others where we would be heading and what time we would be leaving. They agreed on the time, but were hesitant on the place but they came to a realization that it was Summer and they had nothing else better to do anyways.

It was only 9:50 and we had a while until 12:45. We tried coming up with other activities to do besides sitting in front of a screen all day, but we gave up and watched a show until 12:45.

Time flies when you're watching a show, especially if it's really good, so the time 12:45 came up quickly. I grabbed my camera on my dresser in my room and that was basically all we needed. 

     "What are we planning on doing over there anyways?" Asked Matthew. "I don't know, just checking it out." Matthew's face lit up as he said, "we should ding dong-ditch." We all agreed and went on our way. 

The walk was horrible, it was hot as hell and it was such a long walk as well that we should have asked for a ride. 45 minutes later we arrived at the house and we were out of breath, so we sat down right where we stood. The house was old, really old. It had broken windows and  didn't look like anyone was even home. "Well, this was a waste of time," I said with an angry tone. "No, it wasn't, we came here to just check it out. Ding dong-ditching was just another idea," said Asfary, calmly.
"Yeah, well, it was the main idea," spat Matthew. "No, it wasn't, Matthew, coming here was my idea, so if I say that ding dong-ditching wasn't the main idea, then it wasn't the main idea!"

Just then we heard a crash coming from inside the house, almost the same crash I heard this morning when my mom broke that glass object. Matthew got up, went to the foot of the door and rang the doorbell. Not a footstep, not a sound was heard. I hid behind a small bush and turned my camera on. Matthew rang it again, but there was nothing. I motioned Alexis with my head to go ring it, but she shook her head and I gave her a look as if to say,  oh, come on nothing bad is going to happen. 

She rolled her eyes, got up and went to the door. Her hands shook as she reached for the doorbell and once her finger hit it she ran, almost tripping on her feet. She ran towards me and held out her hand as if she was asking for the camera so I could go up. I smiled, gave her the camera and went up. I rang the doorbell, but I stayed put for a minute waiting to hear a footstep, but once again there was nothing. I went back to Alexis and took the camera back from her. "Well, go on," said Matthew, giving Asfary a little push. "We don't got all day." Asfary looked at me and I nodded. She sighed and walked up. Her hand was also shaking like Alexis's, but she wasn't so lucky as Alexis.

The moment her finger tapped that doorbell there was a loud boom, and heavy footsteps came closer and closer to the door. Asfary bolted and tripped on her feet. Her head bashed against the concrete, and blood poured from her nose. "Oh, shit!" I yelled running towards her and helping her up before the door opened. Alexis and Matthew laughed and didn't even care to help. What great friends am I right?      

I placed my camera down to help Asfary back on her feet, but her nose was bleeding continuously. She was dazed and in shock she was losing a lot of blood. I laid her on her back so the blood would flow back into her body but soon realized that that wasn't a good idea. The blood flowed from her mouth and painted the white concrete red. I sat her up right and even more blood flowed from her mouth and nose. Her nose was bent and looked broken, she was going in and out of consciousness and I lightly tapped her on the cheek to keep her awake. "Matthew, get your ass over here, now!" I yelled with anger. Matthew ran towards me as fast as he could. "Help me pick her up," I ordered him. "What, why?"
"Don't question me damn it, just help me pick her up! Can't you see that her nose is broken?"
"It's not broken, it's just dislocated." I was losing my damn patience for this kid so I yelled, "We're running out of time, and she doesn't have much of it left, so please help me pick her up or I swear to God Almighty we will not be friends any longer!"

He nodded and together we picked her up and put her arms over our neck trying to still keep her up right so she didn't drown in her own blood, but her whole body shut down and she collapsed to the ground. "Shit!" I yelled, picking her back up and using all of the strength I had to carry her in my arms. Matthew tried helping, but helping isn't one of his gifts, "I don't need your help!" I spat at Matthew. "Just go away, I've never needed you, so what makes you think I need you know. Stop trying to help, you're not good at it anyways." Matthew's face was shocked with pain, his eyes watered up and he ran away as fast as he could. I didn't really mean what I said, but at that moment I didn't care.

It was an excruciating walk back home for me, Alexis just had a smile on her face as if she planned this, I've never really liked Alexis, she gave off weird vibes and I've always wondered why she was always so quiet. It never bothered me until that day, when we discovered the time warp.


I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and I really hope that if anyone is reading this is enjoying the book.

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