Chapter 6

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As we got to the foot of my door I said gasping, "make yourself useful, Alexis and open the damn door."  She looked at me with anger and I had lost all of my parents for Matthew and Alexis and yelled, "go on now, open the door damn it, stop giving me that look!" At some point I'm going to lose my voice as well from yelling at those two dumbasses.

Alexis finally opened the door and Matthew and I placed Asfary on the couch.  Matthew and I gasped for air and sat down on the couch next to her. I grabbed her hand, kissed it and whispered, "The best thing that you could ever give me is your time, because you're giving something that you'll never get back."

A smile appeared on her face and she said in a soft whisper, "all we need is to decide what to do with the time that is given to us."  I smiled as well, kissed her on the forehead and told her, "get some rest, because we still have a few more hours of daylight left, and we might do something more relaxed and not something that you could trip on your own feet. She laughed and asked, "can I see the clip back?"
"Yeah," I said, grabbing the camera and giving it to her. She laughed at herself so hard as she saw herself bash her face onto the concrete.

            Once the clip was over she gave me back the camera and closed her eyes to rest for a few minutes. I got up and was about to go play a video game, when Asfary grabbed  my hand and asked, "Wait, can you stay with me, please?" I was about to ask why, but instead I relentlessly said, "okay."
              I wake up at least 10 minutes later and I see blood on Asfary's pillow and her missing. "Asfary," I called out. "Asfary!" I hear sniffling coming from the bathroom followed by Asfary saying, "yeah, Simon I'm in  here."  I sigh with relief and go check up on her. I knocked on the door, but as I did the door creaked open and Asfary's nose was pouring blood again. "Shit, lean your head back quick."

She did as I told her and leaned her head back. "You would think that the blood would dry up by now, right?" I asked, keeping Asfary's head leaned back. "Huhu," she muttered.  I took her back to the couch, head still leaned back of course, and she laid back down for a few more minutes. And that was when Matthew came up with the idea to go spelunking. I was hesitant at first, but I agreed.

I woke Asfary up, 10 minutes later to tell her what we were doing and she was so excited that she said, "okay, let's go, right now." Matthew, Alexis and I were very excited as well. The time of day was amazing, the sun was just setting over the horizon and the sky was a beautiful bright red, it almost looked like a painting.
We got our stuff packed and were ready to go very quickly. By the time we left it was almost nightfall, but the cave we were going to wasn't that far at all, about a 15 minute walk or less.  "All set?" Asked Asfary, throwing her backpack over her shoulder. "Yep," I replied, zipping up my backpack and also throwing it over my shoulder. "Great! Let's go." I nodded, opened the door and we set off on our first and last adventure as soon as the clock struck 6:45 p.m. 

By the time we arrived at the cave it was nightfall, I grabbed the string from my backpack and tied a loop around a tree stump so we wouldn't get lost and we went in. Exhilaration flustered inside of me as I heard the echoes of the bats and other sounds you hear in caves that are not important for me to explain. 

We were walking for a while talking and taking in the amazing view of the cave. We were reaching the end of the cave and as I turned the last corner I noticed a ripple right in front of me, whispers rang in my head, I screamed trying to draw them out, but it was no use. Asfary grabbed my shoulders and shook me. I saw her mouth moving but I couldn't hear the words that were coming out of it. The only thing I heard was Alexis screaming, "I don't want to go back!"  The world felt like it was spinning, my vision became blurry and within the next blink of our eyes we were standing at the entrance of the cave like nothing had ever happened. 


What do you think Alexis meant by she didn't want to go back? Stay tuned to find out.

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