Chapter 14

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Time was the first thing we needed and the first thing we'll ever need, but at that moment in time we had no time. Audrey took my hand and I could feel her fear. She was scared that she might never get the time she lost with her family. I saw it, it was almost like a vision, but instead of seeing it through her eyes I saw it through my own. She was running through a field of grass with her 2 sisters and brother, she was the youngest, but even though she was little she out ran all 3 of her siblings. I didn't want it to end, but everything comes to an end eventually.

I looked at Audrey as a single tear ran down my cheek. "Why are you crying?" Asked Audrey, letting go from my hand. All the emotions I felt immediately vanished once she let go from my hand. "I'm not crying," I lied, whipping the tear from my cheek. The acid moved closer with each minute and we were running out of time. "Is it possible to jump it?" Asked Adurey, looking at me with worried eyes. "I don't know, maybe, but I really don't wanna try," I replied. "Well, you never know unless you try," she said, taking my hand once again. I nodded and said, "on three?" She nodded as well, "one," began Audrey. "Two," I continued. "Three!" Audrey ended, and we both ran as fast as we could , jumping over the acid and landing safely on the other side of the circle of the acid.

It didn't end there though. It was spreading throughout the whole lab. Baladen cursed in the distance as he was trying to stabilize the time warp machine. The machine was still shaking furiously and looked like it was about to explode any second. The exit wasn't too far from us, about 20 feet, but if we ran then it would only take a minute, but then again that's a minute too long.

I looked at Audrey and asked her, "Are you with me or not?" She looked at me as well and said, "always." I nodded and whispered, "okay." I gripped her hand tighter and asked her one last question, "are you ready to get the hell out of here?"

"Hell yeah!" We ran towards the exit, but didn't get far. Acid surrounded us once more. There was no escape, our time as we know it was coming to an end.

Audrey looked at me with fear written on her face, her eyes watered up. "I don't wanna die, not now anyway." Baladan gave off a sinister laugh in the distance and yelled, "Your time is almost up!" That bastard would've been dead by now if that damn acid wasn't in my way!

The acid was closing in faster, we're gonna die. I thought to myself. But as the acid touched my skin nothing happened, it didn't even hurt. "What the hell?" I said, looking over at Audrey who isn't even standing beside me, but laying down in the pool of acid. She didn't even scream or make a noise when she died. Her skin was melting off and her eyes bulged out of her head until they popped. Acid never does that but this acid was made in a fucking lab by a mad scientist you never know what anything would do that it is made by a mad scientist.

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