Chapter 10

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Asfary walked up to me and said, "that's a very beautiful crystal." I nodded and she held out her hand and asked, "may I hold it?" I nodded again and placed the crystal in her hand. I was waiting for her to do the same thing I did and get the same vision, but nothing happened. "Wow, it's incredible, I love the way it glows a preprocessing green," said Asfary, spinning it around. "Yeah, it's definitely one of a kind and anyone would kill to have it, so we have to keep it safe, just in case," I said, putting my hand out in front of Asfary asking for the crystal back. "Already, I only had it for 5 seconds."

"Yeah well in this place 5 seconds is apparently 5 minutes, so can I have it back, please?" She sighed and said, "fine."

As she placed the crystal in my hand, my whole body went into shock again, but my blood didn't run cold. The woman flashed in my head again, but this time she was somewhere different, she wasn't in that alleyway, anymore she was in a spaceship and it looked like she was in a battle. Trust me I know this makes no sense, but I promise it will soon, hopefully.

She spoke into a transmitter, but looked like she was talking to me, like I said before and she said, "my name's Mila, I need your help, please save me from this man who calls himself Baladan, meaning 'the son of death.''' A picture of Baladan flashes into view. He too had balck hair and brown eyes. He wore a lab coat and had small glasses.

A few minutes later her ship's left wing was hit. It burst into flames and she yelled, "maday, maday, I've been hit! I'm going down!" There was a moment of silence then she spoke again saying, "I might not survive this, so whoever is seeing this, kill Baladan once and for all and you'll be free, free from this shithole planet Baladan calls home. Please, don't just do it for me, do it for the whole planet, and the whole world. Millions of lives are in your hands, the pressure is all on you." The plane crashed and the vision ended.


Do you think Mila survived the crash or died a quick death? Let me know in the comments.

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