Chapter 12

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It was nightfall and I was alone in the woods, with little food and little water, sitting in front of a dying fire. I nearly froze to death trying to keep it alive. Even though it has been a couple of minutes. It's been months, years, even since the last time I saw my friends, they have never left my mind. Sometimes I would dream about them, swooping Asfary off her feet, but when I wake up I nearly want to kill myslef for the idiotic decesion I had made.

I can't believe I chose murder over my friends, but I've been in that place long enough to know that you can go mad, you can lose your mind and do things without thinking and later on you regret your actions and the words you didn't mean to say. You feel sick for the feelings that you've hurt and the friend that you've lost. If I just had enough time in this God forsaken place I would have time to say I'm sorry to Asfary and say that I didn't mean any of the words I had spoken, but now, now I feel like I might never get the chance to.

Have you ever had the feeling that you're being watched? Weird question, right? Well, I know that we've all had that feeling at least once before. I reached for my backpack when I heard rustling in the bushes about 5 feet before me. My head shot up and my eyes scanned the perimeter. A chill ran down my spine. I tried reaching for my backpack, but because I had my crystal in the outer pocket of my backpack I missed the strap and my finger hit the crystal.

All I felt was pain, everywhere, like I fell from a 3 story building but way worse. I screamed in pain as yet another vision appeared. It was Baladan, and some girl was with him. She had blond hair, blue eyes, star earrings and had the face of an angel. It took me long enough that I was tied up in this vision, or was I looking through someone else's eyes? My mind was spinning, none of this made any sense and I bet you're thinking the same thing too.

It looked like the girl was looking at me the whole time, but I soon realized that I was truly looking through someone else's eyes. I heard a chain rattle and a woman's voice came from the eyes I was seeing from she said, "you won't get away with this, someone will stop you!" Baladan walked towards her in a slow and suspenseful manner, he grabbed her hair and the pain she felt I felt as well. Baladan looked at her with eyes of death and a smile of a fallen angel.

He whispered as if he was telling her a secret, "look Mila, right? No one is going to stop me, you know why? Never mind I'm just gonna tell you, it's because I'm the most powerful man on earth, I am like the Most High." He released her hair and continued in a louder voice, "I created this world, just like God created his own world, a world I used to call home, but now, now I can give people a world with no time, a world that I rule, I will be like a God to them." Mila shook her head and said something I will never understand, "God, will come forth to you in the shape of a 14 year old boy and defeat you once and for all." Baladan laughs, smacks Mila in the face and says, "I'm looking forward to it." He takes out a knife and stabs her in the chest, the only reason I know is because I felt it as well. The vision fades to black and if you thought Mila was dead before she definitely is now.

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