Chapter 4

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"I've heard about time warps occurring randomly, but never got to see one up close
before," I said. "What was it like?" Matthew paused for a second, sighed and then said, "It was like nothing I have ever seen before," he exclaimed. "There were...whispers."
"What were they saying?" Asked Asfary. "I couldn't quite make them out, but they were hypnotizing, drawing me in and that's why I ran." 

Out of nowhere the door that Matthew forgot to close slammed shut and scared the shit out of us. After a few seconds we laughed so hard.  Alexis pulled on my arm and pointed to her wrist as if to say, look at the time we have to go. I looked at my watch and it read 2:55 which was past lunchtime and we all were really hungry. I nodded and said, "Come on guys, let's go this time."  Asfary and Matthew nodded and we walked back home.

As we got home it was around 3:20 and my mom was waiting for me the whole time. "Where were you, Simon?" Asked my mom with a concerned look on her face.  "Just out, hanging out with my friends," I replied. She nodded and said, "Okay, well, I got your food ready, does your friends want anything?" 
"Yes, please," said Asfary and Matthew at the same time and Alexis just nodded, so my mom didn't know if she wanted anything and so she had to pause what she was doing and ask Alexis personally. "How about you hun, do you want anything?"
"Yes, she would, mom, she's just shy and doesn't speak very often."
"Oh, okay," she said with a smile.

A few minutes passed and the food was ready. "Thanks, mom," I said, sitting down and taking a bite out of the sandwich. "Yeah, Thanks Ma'am," said Asfary.  "Oh, please, call me Heather."  Asfary nodded, sat down and took a big bite out of her sandwich. "Wow, this is the best sandwich I have ever had!" Exclaimed Asfary, taking another bite out of her sandwich. My mom laughed and said, "Thank you."  Asfary swallowed her food and replied, "you're welcome."

We finished our food pretty quickly because of how hungry we were and by that time everyone had to go back home. We said our goodbyes and the sun was about to set. As I said goodbye to Asfary she had an off presentation, her breathing was heavy, but yet she wasn't scared of anything. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm fine," she said, confidently. "Okay, well, bye," I said, turning around and going back inside.

As I was about to close the door Asfary's hand stopped it half way. I opened it again and she did something I never expected she would do ever in my life. She kissed me like we were never going to see each other again tomorrow.  "What was that for?" I asked in complete shock.  She shrugs and says, "The time we have is short and I wanted to do that since the day we met."  I smiled and said, "me too."  She hugged me and ran off. I closed the door and slept with a huge smile on my face and couldn't wait for tomorrow, but little did I know that tomorrow would be the most traumatizing experience of my life.


Sorry for not updateing in a while I've been busy. But I really hope that you are enjoying this so far.

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