Chapter 13

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As the night progressed I couldn't sleep knowing that there is a son of death out there, planning on killing us all by speeding up time. Mila said that God would stand up to Baladan in a 14 year old boy's body. I'm the only 14 year old boy here and who is receiving these visions. "I'm no god," I said to myself. "What can I do? And how can I do this shit without any help?"

Just like before I heard rustling in the bushes, I rolled my eyes and yelled, "come out from that bush damn it!" I didn't get a response, there was no wind so it couldn't have been the wind that was rustling the bush. But the bush isn't important, because later on I found out that it was just a rabbit.

I continued walking at dawn and was wondering when the hell a vision would show me the way to this jackass named Baladan. I didn't know where the hell I was going or where I was at, I was completely lost and had no way back home. I was tired, hungry and most of all thirsty. My water was completely empty, there wasn't a drop left inside of it. I was rationing out my food, so I didn't eat very much. I couldn't sleep, at night nor at day.

At last, 3 hours later I found a river. I ran with the last remaining energy I had left in me and fell to my knees, gulping down water as if I hadn't had in years, but my thirst still remained. No matter how much water I drank I couldn't fulfill my thirst. I filled my water bottle up 12 times and chugged it every time until there was no more water left. On the 13th time I was able to keep going and my thirst was finally fulfilled.

I was walking for days on end when my body just completely shut down. No, I wasn't dead, obviously, and it wasn't a vision either, at least I didn't think it was. I can't tell what is real or fake in this world anymore. I felt someone pick me up and swing me over their shoulder. I wanted to wiggle free and cry out for help, but couldn't or more likely didn't have the energy to do so.

I didn't know how long it had been, but I'm going to guess about 3 or 4 hours later I was set down and tied up. A finger ran across the right side of my face, my eyes fluttered open and I saw the prettiest girl I had ever seen, it was the girl from my previous vision. Blond hair, blue eyes, star earrings and a smile that would leave you speechless. "Audrey! Get away from that boy!" Yelled a man in a lab coat, that looked offley familiar, I just couldn't remember, it was like years since I last saw his face. Audrey gasped, and answered, "yes, sir."

I finally came to my senses and noticed that I was in a laboratory, there were a lot of machines but one caught my eye. It was bigger than all the rest. It was like a big medel tank, but had black tubes coming out from it and running along the whole lab. "What the hell?" I said, looking at the machine Bewildered.

After a few minutes, or in this case hours, someone turned the machine on and at that moment my only thought was, I'm gonna die. The ground began to shake furiously but surprisingly no dabri fell from the ceiling and nothing else fell from shelves or tables. Was this actually happening, or was it another vision? I thought.

The machine was malfunctioning, it started shaking as well and was forming some kind of portal, or... a time warp. That machine wasn't any ordinary machine, obviously, I couldn't explain what I saw. All I really saw was flashing lights and electricity flying through the air destroying everything it touched. I wasn't tied up very well and the rope that I was tied up with was super weak, so it was easy to break out.

As I got to my feet, I was pushed and immediately set back to the ground. "What the hell was that for?! Get off me!" I yelled trying to push them off of me, but as I saw that it was Audrey I stopped struggling. Never mind. I thought, looking into her exquisite blue eyes. I was speechless like always. I stared at her for longer than at least 10 seconds or more. "We should probably go," she said, helping me up. "We?" I asked demented. "Yeah, I can't stand this asshole. Please help me escape and I'll do the same for you, please I will never leave your side till the day I die."

"That wouldn't be long," said a man's voice behind us. "Baladan, please, I-I was just kidding I would never go with hi-"
"Shut up, bitch!" Yelled Baladan smacking her on the left cheek with the back of his right hand.

Rage congested inside me as I watched Audrey fall to the floor crying. "You bastard!" I yelled, rushing to help Audrey up, but I soon met a similar fate as her, one much more painful, a kick in the ribs. There was a loud pop and I fell to the floor, gripping the right side of my ribs. Pain rushed through my body. I could hardly breathe, every time when I tried it felt like a piece of my rib jabbed into me. But the trippy thing was that after a while it didn't hurt as bad anymore.

I rose to my feet and Baladan was shocked to see me get up after a mighty blow to the ribs. I was still disoriented, but held my ground. The time warp place is a weird place to be, you're 14 one day then 17 the next. I had the face of a 14 year old but the body of a 17 year old. Baladan laughed as if he knew that this was going to happen. I looked at Audrey and she had a bruise on her cheek where Baladan hit her.

I looked back at Baladan and asked, "Is that laugh supposed to be scary?" I asked just to shut him up. He scoffed and said, "No, I mean yes, I mean no!" Tugging down on his lab coat he yelled "Holy shit, I hate kids!"

I extended a hand for Audrey and as she took my hand the bruise on her cheek faded, my ribs were completely healed there wasn't a sign of a broken bone, the sharp pain I felt every time I would breathe was gone.

Bladan's face had a shocked expression and he said, "how the hell are you standing? I kicked your ribs hard enough to hear a pop!" I shrugged my shoulders and replied, "I don't know, I'm just built differently." Audrey laughed and so did I. Baladan's face turned from shocked to angry in seconds. "Shut up, shut the hell up! That wasn't even funny!" Yelled Baladan, slamming his fist on a table right next to him making the stuff on the table fall and most of the stuff break.

Audrey and I jumped as glass jars shatter. Acid poured from the broken jars, setting Baladan cursing and backing away from the table as it disintegrated. "Shit, shit, shit. No!" Yelled Baladan, running away like a coward. "Wait, where the hell are you going?!" Called Audrey. "It's just a small bit of acid, it's not like it's going to spread or anything!"

She was correct, acid only burns through things it doesn't spread, therefore you would think that it wouldn't remain very long, right? Well, apparently we thought wrong. It wasn't even burning through the ground at all, it stayed on the surface spreading and disintegrating everything it touched, except for the ground obviously.

Panic rushed through me like electricity. My heart raced a mile per second. Audrey looked at me and asked in a worried tone, "what do we do? How the hell do we get out of this place?"

"I don't know, how did we get in?" Audrey looked at me confused and said, "you don't know how you got in?!"

"Did you not see me knocked out when I arrived here? All I know is that I was walking in the middle of nowhere, I collapsed to the ground, and then I ended up in this shithole."

"Enough arguing! It's not getting us anywhere, it's just wasting time!"

I nodded my head in agreement, but by that time we were trapped the acid was surrounding us and it was closing in. My mind was spinning with the only question we all think in this situation, am I going to die?

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