Chapter 3. June 9, 2013, 1 day before

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I awoke the next morning to the smell of pancakes, scrambled eggs and hashbrowns. I didn't recall eating last night so I was starving. I threw the covers off and changed quickly to get the first pancake only to find that everyone else was already eating without me. I looked at my watch and it read 9:45. Did I really sleep in that late on summer break? It didn't matter at the time I just grabbed a plate and ate my breakfast alone, because by the time I got to the table with my food everyone was already done and left me all alone.
             By the time I was finished eating I called my friends and asked them if they had anything planned to do today, but they all said no, so I asked if they wanted to go to the pool today because they turned me down yesterday, but again they said, "no, the pool is underrated."  Well, mostly just Matthew said that. Alexis doesn't speak and Asfary...well, she does whatever I want to do, and that's why she is my best friend.
           A few hours later, I was playing a game on my Xbox, when there was a knock on the door, I paused the game and ran to open the door and Asfary was standing on the other side of it. My eyes widened the moment I saw her. Her hair was up in a bun and had a braid around her head. She wore a beautiful dress, with roses and other flowers on it. I was speechless, but luckily she started the conversation. "Hey, Um, are you busy?"
"N-no, no I'm not busy at all," I stuttered.
        It went silent for a while until Matthew broke it. "Hey, guys I found something really cool, come check it out, Alexis is already waiting there!" he yelled, as he was running towards us. Asfary and I looked at each other and she said, "well, my plans can be canceled I guess."  We ran off to whatever Matthew and Alexis saw, but it wasn't as cool as I thought it was. Matthew's version of cool is not cool at all. "What the hell is this? It's just an old house." I said, irritatedly. "It's not just any old house," he said with a big smile. "It's a haunted house." I rolled my eyes and said, "There is no such thing as a haunted house." But little did I know that just because something sounds fake or is impossible to believe doesn't mean it's not real or doesn't exist.
        We were at the gate when Asfary asked, "Should we go in?"  As she looked at me then to Matthew. "Hell yeah!" Reclaimed Matthew. I shrugged my shoulders and said, "All right, let's go." Alexis grabbed my arm and mouthed the word, "No."
"Why not?" I asked with a confused look on my face. "Danguerus," she whispered. "Simon, you coming?" Asked Asfary. "No, maybe we shouldn't go in there."
"Why not?!" Yelled Matthew angrily. "Because... Alexis said it could be dangerous."
"Alexis spoke?" Asked Asfary, looking at Alexis amazed, but yet concerned. Alexis nodded and said, "We should leave, it's getting late."
"Late? It's only noon, we have at least 8 more hours of daylight," I said.
          "Come on Alexis," pleaded Matthew. She shook her head and walked away. "Whatever, I don't need your permission, Alexis," he said as he ran through the gate and was now at the foot of the door and his hand placed on the door knob. Alexis yelled for the first time ever saying, "No, Matthew get over here right now damn it!" Matthew turned the doorknob and the door came flying open, it was pitch black in there, even though it was light out and the light should have lit up most of the inside, but it didn't. 
           Matthew came running back as fast as he could, forgetting to close the door, as if he got scared of something and was in a hurry to get away from it. "What did you see?" Asked Asfary. "It was some sort of a ripple, not like a heat wave, but..."  I gasped and said, "a time warp?"   

It's going to get better I promise.

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