Chapter 9

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I didn't know what the hell happened to me, but as soon as that vision or whatever the hell it was, was over I felt stronger and more alive than ever before.  "What the hell happened to you?" Asked Asfary, helping me up. "I have no clue."
I didn't want to tell them about what happened and what I saw because they wouldn't believe me anyway. "We should probably head back home," said Matthew. "It's getting late."   We all agreed and walked back home. The whole 2 miles the woman's voice rang in my head, 'save me.' I had so many questions, such as,  what the hell was going on? What was the woman running from? What does she need saving from? And why does nothing make sense in this damn place? 

As we got back home, I looked at my watch and I wasn't expecting it to have  read 12:20 a.m. because it looked and felt like noon. Even though time sped up the sun seemed to have been on its own time schedule. I went to open the door when Asfary grabbed my hand and examined it. "What the hell happened to your hand?" I looked at her confused and looked at my own hand and replied, "what do you mean? Nothing is wrong with it."
"Are you blind? There's a red rash clear as day!"

I pulled my hand out from her grasp and said with a smile, "Asfary, clearly you're the one who is seeing things." She gave a small smirk and I turned around to open the door.  At that moment my mom, as clumsy as my real mom, dropped a really nice glass plate and it shattered into thousands of pieces. "Damn it!" Yelled my mom. "That was my favorite plate!"  I rolled my eyes and said, "mom, you can just buy another one, geez, don't get so upset it's just a damn plate, nothing to make a big scene about."  She sighed and said, "you're right, I'm just going to order a new one."  I nodded and walked away. 

  I sat down on the couch twerling the crystal between my fingers, wondering if that woman I saw even existed or if she was already dead and that vision was in the past and not in the present. I tried pushing that thought aside, and thought positively that whatever happens, happens. Time is short, but in this world time is even shorter. I have to tell the others about what I saw or go alone. The vision didn't really give me a map, but I noticed that she was in an alleyway. I didn't mention this before because my memory of it is still a bit foggy. The only problem is, there are billions of alleyways, she'll be dead by the time I found the right one. I don't even know if she is still in that alleyway or, like I said, if she is even still existing, but there is only one way to find out. I'm going to tell the others about her and hope that they believe me.


Sorry I haven't been updating on this book for a while.

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