Chapter 13

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Both of us coughed just after we rose from the water.

"We made it." Hiro said while panting and holding the grass.

"His hair glows." I talked to myself not believing the need beside me.

"I'm alive. I'm alive!" Hiro said happily while the little me is still confused.

"I didn't see that coming." I said with a scoff.

"Leiko." I didn't heard Hiro said.

"His hair actually glows." I talked to the lizard -- I mean chameleon.

"Leiko." He said again but I didn't heard it.

"Why does his hair glow?" I said unbelievably to the chameleon who shook it's head.

"Leiko!" I heard Hiro called at me and when I looked up, he's an inch in front of my head and I backed up.

"What?" I grunted.

"It doesn't just glow." he said and grinned so wide together with the weird chameleon.

"Why is she smiling at me?" I asked Hiro in annoyance.


"I'll kill 'im. I'll kill that Tomago!" I heard an angry voice so I hid behind a big rock and saw two girls who looks like each other who are so wet.

"We'll cut her off at the kingdom, and get back the crown. C'mon!" the other girl with blonde hair hissed and they were about to run when a girl with a cloak yelled.

"Oh, hi there!" she said and removed her hood. The two turned to the girl and I smirked.

"Perhaps you want to stop acting like wild dogs chasing their tails and think for a moment." She said and he hand appeared and it holds something like a satchel.

When the two girls saw it, the gasped and were about to grab their sword.

"Oh-ho, please, there's no need for that." she said and tossed the satchel to the blonde haired.

The blonde haired opened the bag and held out a crown. She looked at the brunette and both of them smirked.

"Well, if that's all that you desire then be on your way. I was going to offer you something worth one thousand crowns, would have made you rich beyond belief and that wasn't even the best part, hoho, oh well, c'est la vie. Enjoy your crown." the mysterious girl murmured and turned around.

"What's the best part?" the brunette spoke up that made the mysterious girl who put up her hood once again turned and gazed at them with an evil look that I love the most.

"It comes with revenge on Gogo Tomago." she purred and held up a poster that has the face of Gogo and the two nodded and smirked wider.

"Deal" they both said and I showed up.

"That's my daughter. Good job Abigail."


Hello! Sorry for the short update!
I'm gonna update soon! Bye for awhile!
And thank you for the 200+ votes! Thank you so much! I love you all!

I don't own anything. Just the story ideas but I copied it from the script which made me edit the characters and more :))

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