Chapter 04

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"Uh, uh... Agh! Oh no. No no no no no no no no no no, this is bad, this is very very bad, this is really bad... They just can't get my nose right!" I yelled in frustation as I showed my Wanted Poster. My nose was made big.

Really big.

"Who cares?" Ivy said. Not even looking at the poster. Argh this brat.

"Well it's easy for you to say! You guys look amazing." I pointed at the sister's poster. They both looked like each other but Ivy is a blonde and Gaile is a brunette.

Then I suddenly heard a guard screaming "There they are!" and then horses running. The three of us looked at each other.

"Uh-oh" I said and the next thing I knew is that we're running for our lives.

Then, we reached a dead end.

"Uh, all right, okay, give me a boost, and I'll pull you up." I said while looking around to see if there were guards

"Give us the satchel first." Gaile was waiting for me to hand the bag. Argh.

"Uh? I just-I can't believe that after all we've been through together, you don't trust me?" and I looked at the two. Ivy eyed me while Gaile raised her right eyebrow.

"Ouch." and I handed them the bag which has the satchel in it.

Ivy was on top of Gaile and Ivy was the one whi has the bag. I climbed up using their bodies to hold on to.

"Now help us up, Tomago." Ivy hissed as soon as I'm at the top of the dead-end

"Sorry, my hands are full." and I raised my right hand and there, the bag where the satchel is.

"What?" and Ivy looked at where she has the bag earlier. "Tomago!" and then I ran like I was running for her life. Well, I am.

"Retrieve that satchel at any cost!" I heard the Captain of the guards yelled.

"Yes ma'am!" 3-5 guards responded.

and like a Captain too, the Captain's white horse neighs and the brown horses that carry the guards neighs in reply. I heard it too. I have super hearings, you know.

I ran as fast as I could. And I could feel my feet getting tired. But I can't lose now!

"We got her now, Jade!" I heard from behind. I think the Captain is talking to her horse. And I smirked.

I looked at the branch ahead. I smirked wider.

I climbed-no, roll on the branch and knocks the Captain off Jade and there she was, riding Jade.

"Oh yeah! Yee-haa!" she said looking back at the Captain that fell Jade and I am now riding Jade.

Jade then came to a halt. Argh. Not now!

"Ugh! Aw come on you stupid horse!" I grunted angrily and kicked the side of the horse for it to run. But it didn't.

"Ugh! Come on, fleabag, forward!" Then I saw Jade stared at the bag. Jade snatched the bag from my grasp.

"No!" I gasped and tries to steal the bag from Jade's mouth. But the stupid horse keeps on jumping around. Argh.

"No! Stop it, stop it! Give it to me-give me that!-" I said but the bag went flying and it landed on the branch of a branch. (lol)

It's because of Jade. She is jumping and jumping and there, the bag suddenly went flying.

We looked at each other and the next thing I knew is that we're risking our lives to get the bag. Me crawling under the branch (if I do not crawl, I will fall because under the branch is a cliff) and Jade stomping her horse feet

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