Chapter 02

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Hiro was painting something on the wall and was sitting on top of the fireplace. It's not that high though but it's still high. He was painting himself sitting on top of a tree watching lights blowing up. (fireworks)

"This is it. This is a very big day, Mavic. Hmm-mm. I'm finally gonna do it. I'm gonna ask him." Hiro said to Mavic while sitting down on top of the fireplace.

Then, in timing, his 'father' came.

"Hiro!" he called from below the tower. Which caused Hiro and Mavic became a lottle shocked and startled.

Then he quickly covered his painting by the curtain that is used to cover it before he started painting all over it.

"It's time." Hiro said while looking at Mavic who was straightens up.

"I know, I know, come on, don't let him see you" Hiro said while helping Mavic be covered by the curtain and Mavic blending colors with the curtain & the painting itself.

"Let down the Grabber!" He heard his father, James yelled from below the tower.

Hiro jumped off the top of the fireplace. It was high but he got used to it.

Hiro went to the machine and arranged it for awhile.

"Hiro, I'm not getting any younger down here!" his father sing-songed. He placed the Grabber on top of the window (the one he's sitting on in the last chapter) and brought it to the position that it's aiming for his father.

"Coming Father!" Hiro stated

Then he pressed the 'ON' button and started to control it using the metal bars that are attached in the side of the machine.

He pressed 'DOWN' afterwards.

A pair of hands suddenly was released from the machine (not a real hand tho. it's creepy) and moves towards James.

When the hands caught James, Hiro pressed the 'UP' button. Then, when James was already up in the tower, the which is Hiro is controlling are putting him onto the floor carefully.

Once done, James immediately hugs his 'son'.

When they both pulled out of the hug, Hiro put back the machine in it's rightful place and goes back in front of his 'father'.

"Uhmm... Welcome Home! Father!" he said cheerfully.

"Uh, Hiro! How do you manage to do that every single day withouht a fail! It looks absolutely exhausting!" James said while sitting down the couch.

"Nah, it's nothing" Hiro said and sits beside his 'father'

"Then I don't know why it takes so long! Ergh, ho-ho-ho-ho, Hiro, I'm just teasing." James joked and stoods up and goes in front of the big whole body mirror, fixing his hair.

"Hmm, he-he-he. Alright, so, father, as you know, tomorrow is a very big day and I-" Hiro haven't had the time to talk when his father spoke

"Hiro, look in that mirror." Hiro obeyed his father and looks in the mirror. He founds a little boy and a man. The man has his arms on the boy's shoulders.

"You know what I see? I see a strong, confident, charming young man.
Oh look, you're here too. Er-ha-ha-ha-ha, I'm just teasing! Stop taking everything so seriously, agh." James said and Hiro tensed up a bit.

"Okay, so father, as I was saying, tomorrow-" Hiro was cutted by his father. Again.

"Hiro, father's feeling a little run-down. Would you sing for me? That'll do." James said

"Oh! Of course, father." Hiro started to grab his father's wrist and pulls him to the chair and lets him sit down while he arranges the chair & others. He gaves the comb to his father and started singing. FAST.

"Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse"

"Wait!" James said while rushing to brush Hiro's hair which is glowing silvery.

"Bring back what once was mine"

"Wait!" James said once again.

"Heal what has been hurt
Change the fate's design"

"Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine" Hiro finished

"Hiro!" his father yelled with annoyance as he looked a little bit young. He has no freckles & wrinkles in his face anymore.

"So, father, earlier I was saying tomorrow's a pretty big day and you didn't really respond, so I'm just gonna tell you, it's my birthday! Uhh.. Tada!" Hiro quickly said. A little bit tensed on what his father might react.

"No, no, no, can't be. I distinctly remember: your birthday was last year!" James started to hold his chin like he was thinking.

"That's the funny thing about birthdays-they're kind of an annual thing! Uh.
Father, I'm turning eighteen, and I wanted to ask, uh, what I really want for this birthday...
Actually what I really want for my birth-" He was cutted. Once again.

"Okay, Hiro, please, stop with the mumbling. You know how I feel about the mumbling-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah, it's very annoying." He stops "I'm just teasing, you're adorable!" James grinned

Hiro looked at Mavic which is where he was before Hiro left him. Mavic motions for Hiro to go on.

"Argh, I want to see the flying lights." Hiro said. Excited, tensed, quickly.

"Uh-huh. Wait what?" James said. A little bit confused.

"Oh. Well, I was hoping you would take me to see the... flying lights." Hiro said. Tensing up his fingers.

"Oh... You mean the small planets exploding" James said while relaxing his back to the comfort of the chair.

"That's the thing." and Hiro stood up and started to uncover a thing behind a curtain. It's a painting. Stars and planets.

"I've charted stars & planets and they blows up for like a billion or a couple of years. But these... these are-they appear yearly on my birthday, father. ONLY on my birthday. And... how would stars ONLY blows up everytime I had my birthday?" He stopped and giggles a little and sighed.

"And I can't help but feel like they're... they're meant for me.
I need to see them, father, and not just from my window. In person. I have to know what they are." He said. All of those came from the heart. While his father, poker faced while sitting on the chair.

"So in short, you want to go outside? Why, Hiro?!" He stood up and came near Hiro who was moving one step backwards.

"Look at you! As fragile as a flower.
Still a little sapling, just a sprout.
You know why we stay up in this tower!" He begin to have a rythm.

"I know but-"

"That's right, to keep you safe and sound
Guess I always knew this day was coming
Knew that soon you'd want to leave the nest
Soon, but not yet" James sing-songed.


"Shh! Trust me, pet" He said as he patted Hiro's head.

"Father knows best" He said and that! It was dark and dim in the tower.


Hi guyss! Updated once again!
I don't have assignments today so...
Why not? Heheh XD
so... I think you already knew what the next part would be!
It's hard to copy & paste the script! Ugh

I don't own any characters & movies. Just the story.

Tangled {Big Hero 6 crossover} | ON-HOLD!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz