Chapter 14

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"So you're being strangely cryptic as you let me hold your magic hair with my injured hand." Gogo said and I accidentally pinched her injured hand.

"Agh!" she cursed

"Sorry." I sighed "Just don't... don't freak out." I said in a panicked yet calmed tone. Sigh.

I slowly closed my eyes.

"Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
Change the fate's design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine" I finished and when I looked at Gogo, she removed her hand on my hair and she gasped in horror.

"Please don't freak out!" I said and her mouth is still wide open.

"Please?" I said and she sighed.

"Arrrr. I'm-not-freaking-out-are-you-freaking-out-no-I'm-just-very-interested-in-your-hair-and-the-magical-qualities-that-it-posesses-" she paused "how long has it been doing that exactly?" she suddenly asked in a calm tone.

"Uh, forever, I guess." I answered

"Father says that when I was a baby, people tried to cut it. They wanted to take it for themselves. But, once it's cut, it turns silver and loses its power. A gift like that, it has to be protected. That's why father never let me..." I sighed again "That's why I never left the... hmm." I hesitated.

"You never left that tower." she continued for me and I nodded.

"And you're still gonna go back?" she suddenly asked.

"No! Yes. Ugh! It's complicated." I said. Puzzled.

"Hah. So, Leiko Tanaka, huh?" I changed the topic.

"Uh, yeah. Well. I'll spare you the sob story of poor orphan Leiko Tanaka, it's a little bit of a... that's a little bit of a downer." she said in a murmur.

I moved beside her and I was glad she didn't move away. I cleared my throat.

"I want to know more." I said

"Huh?" she said and she sighed.

"Ok so there was this book, a book I used to read every night to all the younger kids - 'The Tales of Gogogian Tomago'. Swashbuckling rogue, richest woman alive, not bad with the men, either. Not that she would to brag about it, of course." she spoke and grinned.

"Hmm. Was she a thief too?" I asked.

"Uh... well, no. Actually, she had enough money to do anything that she wanted to do. She could go anywhere that she wanted to go. And, and, and for a kid with nothing, I don't know, I... Just seemed like a better option." she said. I can tell that she's sad and something.

"Hmm." I replied. I'm thinking of something.

"You can't tell anyone about this, okay? It could ruin my whole reputation." she panicked.

"Ah. We wouldn't want that." I chuckled.

"Well, a fake reputation is all a girl has." she smiled and giggled a bit.

"Hmm, hmm, hmm-" I said


"Hmm hmm." I teased her. She raised her eyebrows and cleared her throat.

"Well, I should, um... I, I should... I should get some more firewood." she said while standing up. I spiked up.

"Hey." I called her and she looked at me. I smiled.

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