Elephant in a Mood

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(Adapted from "Don't Underestimate This Planet")

This episode starts around lunchtime at the zoo with a wide shot of its Indian Elephant habitat. Now, since I don't have some incredibly detailed map drawn of the place, so I'll just take a second to better describe it. It's got a cool South-East Asian esthetic with a few realistic-looking fake trees, a watering hole, and a large building in the center that visitors can walk into. It's basically the Brookfield Zoo's "Pachyderm House", except instead of 2 habitat squares for rhinos, 1 square for tapirs, and 1 square for hippos, they're all for an Indian elephant herd only, and they are all connected by an opening that's big enough for elephants to get through, but low enough as to where there's still room for an elevated bridge for visitors to cross on.

Look, long story short, we get a pretty establishing shot of this elephant exhibit...followed by a slightly comedic cut to Winston shoveling some dung into a wheel barrel.

Winston: And Jackie says poop-scooping doesn't count. I'd like to see HER shovel this stuff, every day.

Just as he takes a second to set the shovel down and stretch his back though...

Tiana: Hey dad! Do you need any help with that?
(She sounds like Efi Oladele from 'Orisa Origin Story | Overwatch')

He looks to his left and sees a young tan-skinned girl with brownish-black poofy hair, a green/gold shirt, and jeans, next to a cocoa-skinned woman with black hair in a ponytail and a slightly lighter version of the Rainforest sector staff shirt. This is Hitarthi and Tiana Evans.

Winston: Oh, hey girls! Nice to see you on this end of the habitat.

Hitarthi: Good to see you too, Winnie. We're just stopping by to see if you needed any help with your workload.
(She sounds like Letitia Wright as Shuri from 'Black Panther')

Winston: Nah, it's alright. Wait, shouldn't you be washing the elephants right now, hon?

Hitarthi: Funny story actually. You wanna tell him, Tiana?

Tiana: I got to help mom get it done, early.

Winston: You helped your mother wash the elephants? Shut the front door!

Tiana: No, it's true.

Hitarthi: Yeah! Check this out.

Hitarthi shows him her phone and we get a quick video showing Hitarthi helping Tiana wash one of the Asian Elephants with one of their hoses.

Winston: Wow, sweety, that's great!

Tiana: Oh, it's...nothing, dad. That's just...little stuff, you know?

Winston: Well, that's a good thing though. It's like my parents told me as a kid. Chaguo moja, mabadiliko makubwa.

Tiana: What's that mean, dad?

Winston: It's Swahili for, "one choice, big change." It means that sometimes even a simple action or decision can make a great impact on your life going forward.

Tiana: You really think what I did is going to impact my life? How?

Winston: Well...it's preparing you for becoming a zookeeper someday, right?

Tiana: ...Huh. I guess so.

Winston: See? Now you're getting it! Keep that kind of stuff up and I promise you'll be an even better zoologist than you already are.

Tiana: (he rubs her head making her giggle) Thanks, dad.

Hitarthi: By the way, if you want, it's my turn to get the elephant's to bed tonight if you want to join us.

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