Diurnal Dismay

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(Adapted from "The Day That Won't End")

We start this episode right off in the action. Instead of starting down in the Sanctum or at an exhibit at the zoo, at the Washi Residence, or even with a Harris flashback, we have an episode starting in the middle of a battle with Benny, fully morphed, inside his Eagle Zord's cockpit, holding up his Morpher, and yelling out...

Benny: Megazord Activate!

Hard cut to the Eagle, Shark, and Lion zords folding up and coming together.

Benny, Jackie, and Caleb: Zoo King Megazord! Ready!

We then hard cut to a shot of this week's monster (Adapted from the player 'Hanayaida'), who's alright giant, and looks like a mesh of black roots with giant red flowers placed on top of her shoulders. She's also holding a weird silver blade that looks like a watering can and a ripped-up transmission tower. Now the rangers don't know this character's name yet, but for the sake of convenience, I'm going to say it early. This is Rosebug.

Rosebug: Huh. A primary colored Megazord? Needs more flourish. Tell you what? You can have this! It'll accentuate the look!
(She sounds like Stormblade from 'Skylanders: Superchargers')

Mere moments after saying this, she throws the transmission tower right at the Zoo King Megazord, which ends up tangled in the tower's wires despite blocking it.

Rosebug: Hahaha! See? MUCH more beautiful!

Benny: Beautiful!? Oh please! I'll show you something beautiful!

The red ranger spins his command cube and with a push of the arms and blade, the Megazord cuts free in an instant.

Jackie: Let's end this!

This is of course said as she, Benny, and Caleb spin the Morpher tops to the animal side, and then plug them back into their Command Cubes, before cutting to a shot of the Zoo King Megazord waving its air in the air to charge up its sword's colorful finisher.

Benny, Jackie, and Caleb: Wild Final Strike!

Energy pours over them and launches out into their finisher before the sword makes three colorful energy slashes right through Rosebug.

Rosebug: Ah! Guess you got me right in the roots!

She falls to the ground and explodes as the Megazord turns around and poses over another successful victory.

But now things are about to get...a bit repetitive and weird.


We then hard cut back to the Sanctum where we see a shot of the Link Cube...as what can only be described as a yellow sparkle effect appears on the screen with a weird and subtle sound cue. This lasts for around just 2 seconds before we cut to the team teleporting in. Keep that effect in mind, we're not done with it.

Benny: Aliens, zero, animals, won!

Caleb: Ah, it's nice to get a battle done quickly, for once.

Winston: Yeah. I know we didn't do much, but I'm already getting a bit hungry.

Jackie: Well of course YOU are, big guy.

Caleb: Hey. What's say we have an early lunch?

Sylvia: Sounds good to me.

Winston: No arguments here.

Jackie: Yeah, sure. But, uh, before we do, wanna tell them our idea, Benny?

Benny: Oh yeah! I almost forgot. Jackie and I wanted to ask you guys if you were free for a trip to the beach later.

Sylvia: The beach? Ooh, that sounds great!

Power Rangers Zoo-Keepers Season 1Where stories live. Discover now