The Feral Field

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(Adapted from "The Most Dangerous Game")

We start this episode off with our villains on the Arrow Galion. The revolving door to the ship's cockpit opens as Midaria slowly walks in while hanging her head down...and holding some form of a silver briefcase. Several feet away, Insidion and Blockhead head start at their "bar" and look confused at her as she walks toward Sagittar while saying...

Midaria: I have the item you requested, Sagittar.

She places the silver briefcase on the side of his throne, which gets the other general's attention.

Insidion: (gasps offscreen) Is that...?

Blockhead: Uh, b-boss!? Why did you bring THAT out!?

Sagittar: (places his hand on the case) Because this week, I wish to engage in a hunt.

Insidion and Blockhead: What!?

Insidion: You can't be serious!

Sagittar: You hunts were mere practice rounds. Now the REAL poaching begins.

Midaria opens the case as he starts to chuckle, revealing a weird silver oval device with a big red button in the center.


And with that we cut down to Earth with a shot of Martha Washi with her hair down, waking up in her bed at the crack of dawn, meaning it's still a bit dark out. She yawns and rubs her eyes slowly before looking out her window. With a deep exhale, she gets out of bed, showing she's in animal-themed pajamas, and we then hard cut to her 20 minutes later standing in front of the Washi Safari Zoo and Aquarium entrance, fully clothed but still a bit tired.

Martha: (smiles) No place like home.

We then get a montage of her checking on some things at dawn around the zoo.

First, we cut to the Aquarium sector's Whale Fountain, where we see Martha looking up at it while talking to a janitor.

Martha: How's it looking?

Janitor: Good as usual, but I'm waiting on the stuff that lets me really scrub bird poop off the top.

Martha: Alright then. Keep up the good work.

Janitor: Yeah, you too, boss.

Then we cut to the Savanna Sector's "Okapi corner", which is a mix of both jungle and savannah foliage. However, its Okapi hologram is stuck walking in place.

Martha: Aw man. Stuck on loop AGAIN?

Employee: Earlier it wouldn't stop running so I tried fixing it but instead this happened.

Martha: (sighs) Alright. Try resetting the machine. If that doesn't work I'll see when tech support has free time.

Employee: You got it, boss.

Then we cut over to the outside of the Rainforest Sector's "Jungles of Earth" exhibit and see workers on a ladder positioning a new entrance sign.

Worker 1: Is this where you want it?

Martha: Hmm. How about just a little bit higher and you can go from there. Does that sound good?

Worker 2: Yeah, no problem, boss.

Finally, we cut to the Tundra Sector's "Arctic Adventure" exhibit, which is similar to the Brookfield Zoo's "Tropic World" exhibit with 3 sections intended for 3 different areas of a similar environment, except themed around the arctic and Antarctica instead. She's looking over 3rd "square" of it, and it looks like the holographic animals aren't on yet.

Power Rangers Zoo-Keepers Season 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang