Savage Sights

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(Adapted from "Want to Go Back But Can't")

We start this episode off with Sylvia looking into the Tiger exhibit. It's a nice area of the zoo covered with lots of fake snow, and few dead trees, and a rocky-looking inside area for the tigers to give it this cold Siberian forest look.

Anywho, back over to Sylvia. She sees one of the tigers walking. The big cat seems to yawn/roar which makes Sylvia happy.

Sylvia: Aw, he's so cute!

Benny: Morning Sylvia.

She looks to her right and sees Benny walking up with a smile.

Sylvia: Oh! Hola, Benny! What're you doing here?

Benny: Just taking a walk around the zoo. Figured I'd see what one of you guys was up to.

Sylvia: I'm just checking on the tigers. It's not really part of the job but I like to watch them when I've got some time off.

Benny: WOW...I forget how big and pretty they look.

Sylvia: I know right? So majestic...Ooh! Speaking of jobs, I just remembered something.

Benny: What is it?

Sylvia: Well, remember how last week I asked you what your job was, but we didn't really talk about it because you were too busy learning about Zoomans?

Benny: (nervous) Oh! Uh...y-yeah, right, uh, THAT. (fake coughs) What uh...what about it?

Sylvia: Well, if you don't mind me asking again...what is your job at the zoo?

Benny: Uh, well, you see—

Suddenly, his phone starts ringing from his pocket.

Benny: Oh, hold that thought. (takes it out of his pocket and answers) Hello?

Martha: Benny! Are you with Sylvia?

Benny: Uh, yeah?

Sylvia: Hi Martha.

Martha: Good. Get to the Sanctum! There's something you gotta see.

Benny: W-What is it?

Martha: The Link Cube. It's showing us a vision!

Benny and Sylvia: A what!?


We then cut down to the Sanctum with a shot of the Link Cube and see...something being projected from it. It is indeed displaying a vision, kind of like the ones the Ninja Nexus Prism would during Ninja Steel, but with a more Jungle Fury-like animal spirit esthetic to it. Being displayed from the Link Cube with this almost split-screen the image of a Reticulated Giraffe and a map of Dolphin Coast.

As the camera pans back from this, we see the team, minus Martha, watching in wonder and confusion.

Jackie: Why is the Link Cube showing a giraffe?

Caleb: Not just that. Look! It's got this little map of Dolphin Coast too.

Sylvia: Yeah, but why?

Martha: (walking up behind them) I think this is why. (the others turn to see her holding a map) When Harris and I studied Zoomans, he told me about 4 rumored relics on Earth and the animals they're based on. And one of them, (shows the map from back in Episode 2) was a Reticulated Giraffe.

Benny: think the Link Cube is showing us where this giraffe relic is!

Martha: I think so. Though why it's showing DOLPHIN COAST as the location makes no sense because everything we learned said it was in KENYA.

Power Rangers Zoo-Keepers Season 1Where stories live. Discover now