Land Vs Sea

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(Adapted from "Howl In The Ring")

We start this episode off in downtown Dolphin Coast. We see some civilians walking around having a good time on a cool day when all of a nets come flying down out of nowhere and shock people with yellow electricity upon catching someone.

After 8 people get caught, 2 for each net, out steps this "attack's" culprit.

Coming towards the captured people is a Viking-like monster (Adapted from the player "Amigard") wielding an ax with barnacle-like muscles and legs.

Varnacle: Congratulations, humans! You've been chosen by me, the mighty Varnacle, for a VERY special occasion!
(He sounds like Fryno from 'Skylanders: Swap Force')

Captured Civilian: W-What are you gonna do to us you monster!?

Varnacle: I'm so glad you asked! The Shooting Star Poachers present (spins around) the Battle Show!


Before seeing what that means, we cut down into the Sanctum with a shot of Martha reading one of the books she has in the Lounging Section.

Benny: Hey mom. Where is everyone right now? I thought it was break time.

Martha: Oh, I let Sylvia go do some grocery shopping in town. Plus, I made Jackie go with her.

Benny: Really? You got HER to stop training?

Martha: Well, being her boss has its persuasion benefits.

Winston: It's not just them, by the way. (Benny looks over to see him on the Lounging Area couch) Caleb went after them, too.

Benny: Ah, Let me guess, not in the mood for training, right?

Martha: More like because he considers himself a "ladies' man".

Benny: Wait, what now?

Martha: Ladies man. You know, a guy who tries to flirt with most of the women he meets?

Winston: Hard to tell if he thinks that way about Jackie and Sylvia though. Usually, he's just being friendly, but every now and then he acts like a "charmer" if you will.

Benny: Huh. Weird. Guess I haven't hung out with him enough yet to see that.

Martha: OH, give it time. You'll see it. Trust me.

(Author's Note: I hate this part of the story enough as to where if I had enough time/patience and if I wasn't trying to preserve the original story, I'd gladly delete this stuff and rewrite)


We then cut to the area in Dolphin Coast where Sylvia and Jackie are shopping, seemingly finishing up as they have a few bags of groceries on them.

Sylvia: I'm just saying, Jack, maybe you should take more breaks. You've been working a lot harder lately.

Jackie: Oh, it's fine Syl. Ain't nothing wrong with a little overtime here and there.

Sylvia: Well, yeah, but overtime WITH ranger business?

Caleb: Good end of the morning, girls!

Jackie: (while rolling her eyes) Oh, brother.

Sylvia: Hey Caleb! What brings you here?

Caleb: Just thought I'd see if you two ladies needed help. In fact, why don't you let me carry some of those for you?

Sylvia: Oh, thanks! (hands him her bags) Very reliable of you.

Caleb: No problem, m'lady. Jackie. Care to take some weight off your arms?

Power Rangers Zoo-Keepers Season 1Where stories live. Discover now