Blackened Rhino Part 3

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(Adapted from "Who To Believe")

After a 30-second recap, we cut to the living room of the Washi Residence during the afternoon and find Benny sitting on his couch, lost in thought while the others hang out around the room, including Martha, looking at their phones/having a quick snack, having a glass of water, etc. He then slowly gets up while saying...

Benny: Do you think Zoo-Killer can be saved?

This catches the others off guard and makes them confused for a moment.

Caleb: (chuckles) Good one, lad.

Benny: I'm serious though.

Caleb: ...Oh come on, you've got to be joking.

Jackie: Umm, dude, he beat us to a pulp. He almost KILLED you. TWICE.

Benny: Y-Yeah, I know that b-but—

Winston: Remember what Midaria said as well. They made Zoo-Killer by merging Zooman spirits...I think he's no different than any monster those poachers send down and that we can't just bring him back to normal, because...well...that IS the normal Zoo-Killer.

Benny: But he unmorphed and he was human when he did!

This makes everyone look up slightly surprised and more confused, but they don't respond.

Benny: And...and that face...That...expression...He staggered back in pain and...h-he didn't want to deliver the killing blow...I could see it....I-If we could save him—

Sylvia: Benny, no disrespect, but if Zoo-Killer really did stop himself from killing you at only the last it worth almost getting yourself killed again just to see if he MIGHT be worth saving?... I'm not saying I don't believe you. And if a human was brainwashed, of course, we should try to save them, HOWEVER, we should about this before we jump to anything drastic.

Martha: Speaking of drastic actions...let's talk about Harris while you're all here.

Winston: Right. Look Martha, again, we—

Martha: Part of this is on me for not telling you sooner, so just...listen.

The team complies, directing full attention to their boss.

Martha: (breathes out) So, you know the basics about Harris. He's a bird Zooman, has the sixth Keeper Cube, or at least I HOPE he still does, introduced me and Randall to all of this Zooman power stuff, brought the Link Cube here, etc., but...what I forgot to mention was that...Harris didn't just own the Eagle Ranger powers Benny has...He was the ORIGINAL Red Zoo-Keeper ranger on his team, and they were tasked with protecting Zakanada...But that all changed one day and well...he uh...s-something happened, and it...uh...

Her voice is slightly shaky, worrying the team.

Benny: Mom, are you okay?

Martha: (exhales)...Harris' team betrayed him, and he was forced to...t-to destroy them.

This surprises everyone, leaving them with wide eyes.

This silence lasts for a few seconds.

Caleb: Well. That got dark.

Jackie: (whispers) Oh, yah THINK?

Sylvia: I remember now. When we met him, he said something about his ranger duties "ending in tragedy".

Winston: And us fighting probably reminded him of...(rubs his forehead/whispers)...OH JEEZ.

Sylvia, picking up on Winston's guilt, pats him on the back.

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