Fishy Feelings (Christmas)

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(Technically Adapted from Various Episodes of Zyuohger)

We start this special episode off at the Washi Safari Zoo and Aquarium for a quick montage showing the zoo decorated for the holidays. Or more specifically, everyone celebrating Zoolights on Christmas Eve. Lights are all around the different sectors, some of the animal holograms are made a bit more festive with hats and scarves on them, maybe a few trees for each kind of habitat decorated like Christmas Trees, etc. This montage would last for about 30 seconds before we cut to the Eagle Dome.

Benny is sitting alone at his booth, looking bored and slightly lonely.

We then see a door nearby open and out steps 4 zookeepers in red shirts who work with the eagles. They seem to be good friends with each other and through dialogue, as they all walk by, we hear they're on lunch break. Benny, seeing them, takes a gulp and looks like he's gonna say something to get their attention. But then he stops himself.

Benny: (sighs) I shouldn't bother them.

They're now too far any to hear him as Benny just sits back down in his seat.

Martha: They're nice when you get to know them.

He turns to see his mother and boss walking up.

Benny: Yeah, but I don't know what their schedules and they've probably been working hard so I don't wanna take time from their...(shakes his head) It's whatever.

Picking up on his slight sorrow, Martha comes up with an idea.

Martha: The others are helping me decorate the house. Wanna end your shift a little early? I'm making your favorite cookies.

Benny's expression perks up a little.

Martha: Come on, you know you want to.

While cheekily saying this, she ruffles his hair.

Benny: (chuckles/smiles) Yeah, okay, you got me. Let's go home.

He gets up from his seat.


We then hard cut to the Washi Residence to find Caleb and Sylvia on the sidewalk looking at the front porch, which like the zoo, has some nice decorations on it.

Caleb: I think we've done a pretty good job.

Sylvia: Same. (holds up a cord/plug) And now all that's left is to bring it together.

She pulls, but the cord stops.

Sylvia: (chuckles) I said, to bring it together.

She says this why struggling to connect the cords, gritting her teeth a little.

Sylvia: (exhales) Please don't be the wrong length.

Caleb: Let me try it out.

With a slightly stronger pull, Caleb finally connects the two ends, and in seconds, the house lights up.

Sylvia: Ooh, pretty!

Then, the two Washi family members teleport in.

Benny: Hey guys, we're—Woah, nice!

Martha: Ah, it looks great! Oh, and sorry about the cord. It always takes that one magic pull.

Caleb: No worries.

Benny: Hey, uh, I know Winston and Derrick are coming later for the party, but is...Jackie here by any chance?

Sylvia: Oh yeah. She's in the backyard taking a breather. I'll go grab her.

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