Animals Assemble!

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(Adapted from "Big Animal Gathering")

After a 30-second recap of the last episode, which has quite a bit to pack in but still gets down the main points across quickly, we pick up where we left off. Harris, our mysterious reoccurring Zooman, kneeling next to Benny, who's now completely unmorphed; injured with tons of bruises and a few cuts.

Benny: (straining himself) ...You saved me again...Just like that night.

Harris: I know you probably have a lot on your mind, but...(looks up) now's not the time.

Benny looks up as well before we cut to one of Huntroid's arms, still channeling energy in between its "fingers", only for the disappear. And then...Huntroid lowers its arms only for the red lights on its "face" to vanish as well. Huntroid has finally powered down. Our heroes finally have a chance to breathe...To an extent.

Caleb: (in pain/looking up) Huh?...W-What's it doing?

Jackie: (straining) Is it...stopping?

Sylvia: (in pain) I-I think so.

Winston: (straining/getting up) I think that (winces) final attack used up all its energy! (winces) Ow.

Then, we quickly cut up to the Arrow Galion.

Blockhead: Jokes on them. Huntroid will be back on soon.

Insidion: Indeed. And once it reactivates, it will destroy them without question.

Sagittar: (chuckles) The best part of drawing them out.

Back on Earth, the others start to get up.

Caleb: (straining) C-Come on lads! We gotta move while we can!

Jackie: (as he helps her up) R-Right. (winces)

Winston: (helping Sylvia up) I got you.

Sylvia: (winces) Thank you. W-We gotta get back to the Sanctum. (whips out her Morpher)

Cutting back over to the bird rangers...

Benny: (straining) It stopped. I have to attack while it's—UGH. Ow.

Harris: You've done enough...We're taking you home.

Benny: B-But Harris, I—

Harris: No buts, you're going home!

Benny: But the team!

Harris: I'm sure they'll meet you in the Sanctum, but for now there's no time.

The Birdman quickly grabs Benny's Morpher off the ground, lightly grabs Benny's shoulder, and says "Doubutsu".

With that, the two teleport out.


Hard cutting down to the Sanctum, we see the rest of the team teleport in. Because of their injuries, they just barely stay standing after finishing the teleport.

Winston: (groans) Well!... That sucked!

Jackie: Yeah, no need to tell us twice, dude.

Suddenly, the elevator door to the Sanctum opens up, and out steps Martha, who runs up to her team with a surprised but relieved look.

Martha: There you all are. Ugh, jeez, you look terrible, I'm...I'm so sorry this happened to you.

Caleb: No problem, boss.

Sylvia: We're just glad to be back.

Martha: Me too. I...W-Wait, where's Benny?

Winston: Benny? Oh, he's right—(eyes widen) Wait, where the...!?

Power Rangers Zoo-Keepers Season 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora