Wild Vocals

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(Adapted from "Melody of the Savanna")

We start this episode off, like Episode 6, at the Bald Eagle habitat with a shot of something that might be familiar. That being a little table with some info cards and a few replicas of bones from Birds of Prey. Yep, we're finally gonna see Benny try out the job he had planned out back in Episode 1. Speaking of whom, we see Benny walk up, take a deep breath, and then sit down at this little set-up. But as he starts getting some of his notes together, a familiar face in the family walks up.

Martha: There's my newest employee!

Benny: Hey mom! (stands up) Thanks for showing up.

Martha: Of course, hon. (hugs him for a second) So, what do you think? Is it still a good set-up?

Benny: Yeah, I think it'll work out fine for me.

Martha: Great...Oh, look at you. My little egghead's all grown-up.

Benny: Yeah, I know, it's...a lot...(frowns just a little)

Martha: ...Is something wrong?

Benny: Oh, you know, I just...wish dad were here to see this.

Martha: (sighs) Me too...But I know he'd be proud of you if he was.

Benny: (smiles) Thanks, mom.

Martha: ...Alright, well, I'll come to check on you at lunch. Let me know if you need any help. Oh, and by the way, Caleb's downtown for today, so he may or may not be instantly available if any ranger stuff happens, so maybe just be prepared for that.

Benny: Yeah, speaking of Caleb, remember when you called him a "ladies' man" that day he and Jackie got captured?

Martha: I take it you still haven't seen it yet?

Benny: Yeah, that. What does he do that makes him a ladies' man? I'm genuinely confused about that.

Martha: Well, the long story short is that Caleb likes to act a bit more...chivalrous when making friends with girls and sometimes we can't tell if he's flirting or not.

Benny: Huh...Guess I just got the wrong impression then.

Martha: Yeah, in hindsight, I think I could've worded that a bit better.

Benny: Hmm. You know, I wonder what he's up to right now.

Martha: Well, whatever it is, let's just hope he doesn't end up getting into trouble, today.

Benny: Oh, come on. What could go wrong?

(Author's Note: Once again, as stated in Episode 5, I hate the poor way I adapted Leo's chivalrous nature into the story, it's very on the nose and disjointed as you can tell from the not-so-subtle dialogue above, but I'm just too lazy to change it now)


Next up, we hard cut to downtown Dolphin Coast, where we see our resident Yellow Ranger sitting on a bench on a sidewalk.

Caleb: Ah. There's nothing like a sunny day off in Dolphin Coast.

Then, as he leans back onto the bench, and takes into the perfect day, he notices something nearby. A couple of yards away to his left, he sees a woman standing on the sidewalk with a guitar case, listening to some music with black wireless headphones. In terms of design, she has fair skin, freckles, and lots of long curly red hair. She's also a little bit taller than Sylvia and is wearing a black jacket over a white tank top.

Caleb: (smiles) Hmm...I suppose trying to make a new friend wouldn't hurt.

He then hops up out of his seat and walks over.

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